The algorithm for the initialization Interface 

Data Structures:
L : List of co-ordinators forming the ARC ring, each entry of the list is of the
    type id(N).
id(N) : Identity of the co-ordinator N.
info(N) : Information about co-ordinator N.

For any co-ordinator N that wishes to join the ARC ring :

        1) assume N to be the first node.
        2) Assign an id(N) to N.
        3) Create a list L containing N only. For any co-ordinator C on receiving the broadcast request (REQ,info(N) ) from
co-ordinator N:             1) Generate a new id and associate it with N. The new id generated
                will be one more than the highest id assigned till now.
            2) If N is not already included in the list L of all the existing
               co-ordinators forming the ring, then include node N in the local list L.
                ( The presence of co-ordinator N in the list L is checked by
                  finding if the name of the co-ordinator  is present in the list L.)
           3) Send reply (REPLY,L) to N. For any co-ordinator C on receiving the join message (JOIN,id(N) ) from node N: