OS Lab Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Write a collection of processes p1, p2, p3 which execute with same PID.

Assignment Write a collection of programs p1, p2, p3 such that they execute sequentailly with the same process-id, and each program should also print its PID. (process id) The user should be able to invoke any combination of these programs, to achieve the required functionality.

For example consider three programs twice , half, square which accept only one integer as argument and does some specific operation.
$twice 10 prints 20 and some int which is its process-id as output
$square 10 prints 100 and some int which is its process-id as output
$half 10 prints 5 and some int which is its process-id as output

Now the user should be able to combine these programs in any combination to achieve the required result.

For example:
$twice square half twice half 10
should calculate half(twice(half(square(twice(10))))) and print 200 as result. It should also print the process ids of each program as it executes. Note that the process-id printed by each of these programs should be the same, in this case.
$square twice 2
should calculate twice(square(2)) and print 8 as result, and the process id of square and twice, which should be the same.
The evaluation order is from left to right

Note that the last argument is the integer, and the remaining arguments are the programs to be invoked.

This should be generally applicable to any n number of processes, all of which are written by you. minimum of three should be written

pl p2 p3 ... pn arg_value



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Deadline: 5:00pm