Assignment 9: Deadlocks

What you will learn:

A way to prevent at *runtime* a possibility of a deadlock  occurring in a system


    Write a program with following specifications:
            Command line input: name of a file
                                         - The file contains the initial state of the system as given below (example included in right column)
                                                            #no of resources                                                                                               4
                                                            #no of instances of each resource                                                                 2 4 5 3
                                                            #no of processes                                                                                               3
                                                            #no of instances of each resource that                                                       1 1 1 1, 2 3 1 2, 2 2 1 3
                                                           each processes needs in its lifetime.

                                                            The rule is that once a process uses a resource instance and returns it,
                                                            the process no more needs it. For example, in above set of 3 processes,
                                                             If P2 finishes with 1 instance of resource r3, it will only need  3-1=2 instances of r3 in future.
                                                             A process completes immediately when its need eventually reduces to 0.
             Read this in

             The programs then waits to accept a resource allocation or release requests-   this is supplied through keyboard
               For example:    0 a 1 0 1 1     indicates that p0 has requested allocation of 1 instance of R0, R2 and R3 each.
                    or                    3 r 0 0 0 3      indicates that p3 is releasing 3 instances of resource r3
              Your program should declare the result: (1) should this request be granted? (i.e. guaranteeing that  there will be no deadlock
                                                                                                                                                in future considering a worst remaining demand for resources)
                                                                                          (2) if your answer is yes, print the safe sequence in which all remaining needs can be granted one by one
                                                                                                 and also grant the  request, making necessary changes to system's state.
                                                                                                 If the requesting process's need is NIL, the program internally releases all its resources.
              Go back to accept another request  till all processes finish with all there needs

  Some sample initial state input files and request patterns can be found  here    Download them and see using your editor.

 What to submit

      your single C program + readme for identifying any special contributions

Donot submit your binaries, executables. Your marks will be reduced if you do so.

Some Pointers

You can use fopen, fopen, fclose, fscanf etc for file i/o.


Assignment no=9.
Submit your file using ~oslab/submit script as in: ~oslab/submit 9 xyz.c
submit script accepts assignment no. in its first argument. Any number of files may be submitted through subsequent arguments.
You may submit any number of times before 6:00pm. Old files are overwritten in resubmission.

Deadline: 5:00pm
