Assignment 2 (Scheduling)

Design a scheduler of  your own choice.
You have to compute various performance measures for different process data and analyze the behavior of your scheduler.

Process data must be read in from a file
Different process data files will be provided to you for analysis
Run your scheduler on these test data files and analyze the performance of your scheduler. Your output should include results per process and the systems's overall performance

Assignment Report:

Deadline for report submission : on or before Monday, Aug 3.
No submissions will be accepted after this deadline.

Demos for this assignment and the first assignment will be conducted on Friday, Aug 7, during the lab hour.
The first assignment does not require any report.

The assignment report must carry:

    1. An explanation of your scheduling scheme
    2. What are the expected job characteristics for your scheme ?
    3. Provide a test process data to bring out the suitability of your scheme
    4. Provide a test process data to bring out the shortcomings of your scheme
    5. The analysis of  the performance of your scheduler when run on your two test cases and the when run on the test cases that will be provided to you on this page on thursday

Test process data files have the following format:

0 100 2 200 3 25    i.e.  P1 : arrival time (0)  CPU burst (100) I/O burst (2) .. CPU burst (25)
5 6 2 25 2 25 2 25        P2 : arrival time (5) ....

The arrival times are in nondecreasing order

A process may have any number of CPU / I/O burst cycles terminated with an end of line
There will be any number of processes, terminated with end of file  

An example  process data file 

The test cases:
