
Hi! I am Sriram Kashyap, a final year Masters student in the Dept. of Computer Science at IIT Bombay. I am currently working under Prof. Sharat Chandran on Raytracing of Point Models. More details on this and other major projects that I am working on can be found in the Current Projects section. Here you will find stuff related to my projects, courses and a few other things. Check the Course List to see what courses I have taken over the past year. The Random section contains some of the completely arbitrary stuff that I wrote/made over the years. This includes small projects and a few of my 3DS Max / Photoshop renders.


Click here to check out the lastest updates on the Realtime Raytracing project. Links to my M.Tech dissertation page, and some cool new renders.
I am working on a Realtime Raytracing project at ViGIL, the Graphics Lab at IIT Bombay. We leverage the power of modern GPUs to produce photorealistic renderings of complex point based models, all at realtime. Click on the image to find out more about our work and to see some pretty pictures :)