
About me

I am from Bangalore, India. It's a great place to stay in, with good food joints, great weather, and a very friendly culture. It's also a great place to work in, with a large number of technology companies all over the city.

I got my basic education from a small school in south Bangalore called Nivedia School. Nothing fancy, just good basic education. From there, I moved to National High School, Basavanagudi (NHS). It's one of the oldest schools in Bangalore and has a lot of history attached to it. Founded by Annie Besant in 1917, it played a significant role in the Indian Freedom Struggle. The historical and cultural ethos has eroded somewhat, but was strong enough to give me a great amount of confidence regarding who I am. A very strong Kannada culture gives this school somewhat of a niche place amidst the newer schools coming up in and around Bangalore. I made a few really really good friends here, one of whom is gonna be with me forever.

For my pre-university education, I studied in National College, Basavanagudi (NCB): A college with a lot of depth in Science and Arts education. The cultural ethos from NHS can be seen in this college too. (NCB was set up to commemorate the silver jubilee celebrations of NHS). The five years spent in both these places have made a remarkable difference to my life. I could list a lot of my personality traits that I attribute to my education here, but lemme spare you the details. :)

Inspite of my passion for architecture, I jumped into the Computer Science Bandwagon after high school. I joined a Bachelor's Course in Engineering at PESIT (Peoples' Educational Society Institute of Technology). I spent four memorable years here, in the dept. of Computer Science. I have mixed feelings towards this place, the nice and the not-so-nice. But I did manage to get a very good job at the end of four years.

The period after my engineering studies: I would consider it the most interesting period of my life till now. A lot of changes in my personal and professional life; a few self-made, a few circumstantial, and a few that were just so incredible, that I still gape at how life turns out. I worked at two different places, got over the management bug, and entered technical studies. Life rocks.