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personid movieid character banks_node_id
190360 43007 Mr. Letchworth 815847
190360 43972 Richard Crane 815846
190360 27261 Mr Brownlow 815845
190360 61581 Townsend 815844
190360 75178 Steven Vey 815843
190360 76214 Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong 815842
190360 63325 Sir Helmsley Thwaite 815841
190360 32928 Jack Turner 815840
190360 23508    815839
190360 23923 Chief of Staff William 'Bill' Tanner 815838
190360 49925 Luther Adams 815837
190360 83877 2nd Athenian Representative 815836
190360 71809 Block 815835
190360 65086 The King 815834
190360 34983 John Gales alias Ray Lambert the assasin 815833
190360 16188 Bruce Roddam 815832
190360 90312 Clive 815831
190360 51561 Lord Malmesbury 815830
190360 35631 Richard Crane 815829
190360 16695 Father 815828
190360 16818 Ian Havery 815827
190360 17669 Robin 815826
190360 45044 Peter Walsh 815825
190360 18562 Judge Jeffreys 815824
190360 60875 Reid 815823
190360 81329 Fredericks 815822
190360 61700 Intelligence Officer William 'Bill' Tanner 815821
190360 11289 D.S. Foyle 815820
190360 92721 Mr. Quinton 815819
190360 69109 Max Jaeger 815818

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