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srcid dstid banks_node_id
86654 23509 1512383
82906 23509 1517729
98494 23509 1511671
53556 23509 1512450
72972 23509 1513282
95407 23509 1513583
84641 23509 1537549
84318 23509 1539441
99616 23509 1541628


srcid dstid banks_node_id
23509 82906 1514865
23509 99616 1514866
23509 95407 1514867
23509 72972 1514868
23509 53556 1514869
23509 98494 1514870
23509 84641 1514871
23509 84318 1514872
23509 86654 1514873


personid movieid character banks_node_id
6689 23509 Horse Spy #2 1395865
291010 23509 RBTV Floor Director 945261
428404 23509 Average Kid #1 1123693
561077 23509 Sydney RBTV Computer Expert 1285060
561657 23509 Average Grandma 1285812
96261 23509 Average Grandpa 693209
97073 23509 Average Teen 694395
103549 23509 You've Got Mail Voice 703551
115507 23509 Bailiff 717789
120037 23509 French Student 724117
125203 23509 The White House Mole 730461
131510 23509 General Store 737676
136508 23509 Oklahoma Cop 744112
141164 23509 Measures Presidential Advisor 750564
162396 23509 F.B.I. Agent (Potato) 777555
177462 23509 F.B.I. Agent (Carrot) 799076
185117 23509 Wassamatta University Student 808791
214154 23509 Wossamotta U. President 845931
216950 23509 Sharp-Eyed Student 849936
225466 23509 Clerk 860698
233290 23509 Angry French Student 869867
244250 23509 Little Ole 886256
246544 23509 Martain WU Student 888960
264857 23509 Fruit Vendor Twins 912850
284571 23509 Agent 937041
287186 23509 Schoentell 940402
292876 23509 Cappy Von Trapment FBI Director 947396
294684 23509 Igor 949880
296197 23509 Arrest Cop 951641
297931 23509 President Signoff 953876

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]