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srcid dstid banks_node_id
11098 24109 1525054
15041 24109 1540091


srcid dstid banks_node_id
24109 15041 1514150
24109 11098 1514151


personid movieid character banks_node_id
552471 24109 Donnatella "Donna" Moss 1274354
99549 24109 Larry 698332
158969 24109 Charles "Charlie" Young 773265
217016 24109 Samuel Norman Seaborn Deputy Communications Director 850114
231867 24109 Vice President John Hoynes 868327
286189 24109 Oliver Babish 939107
321748 24109 Toby Ziegler Communications Director 984700
329549 24109 President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet 994449
340998 24109 Leo Thomas McGarry Chief of Staff 1009820
386405 24109 Joshua Lyman Deputy Chief of Staff 1069318
438539 24109 Abigail "Abbey" Bartlet 1135851
471942 24109 Carol 1175917
474152 24109 Gina Toscano 1178754
505321 24109 Claudia Jean "C.J." Cregg Press Secretary 1215619
508360 24109 Dolores Landingham 1219458
512866 24109 Mandy Hampton (1999-2000) 1225173
542939 24109 Joey Lucas 1261409
555785 24109 Zoey Bartlet 1278968
557164 24109 Katie Witt 1280488
558588 24109 Cathy 1281913
569243 24109 Bonnie 1294322
569533 24109 Amy Gardner (2001-) 1294811
578218 24109 Ainsley Hayes (2000-2002) 1305498
586882 24109 Margaret 1316000
605236 24109 Nancy McNally National Security Advisor 1338446
620370 24109 Deborah Fiderer (2002-) 1358396
633467 24109 Ginger 1373734
7973 24109 Admiral Percy Fitzwallace 1397143
49917 24109 Danny Concannon (1999-2000) 1451684
84608 24109 Mark 1499335

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