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The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


personid movieid character banks_node_id
157638 47195 Himself 771287
159199 47195 Himself 773538
98414 47195 Himself (interviewee) 696939
99781 47195 Himself 698612
110404 47195 Himself 711590
164444 47195 Host/Narrator 781085
184508 47195 Himself 807784
228657 47195 Himself 864644
234338 47195 Himself 871161
244139 47195 Himself 886107
321690 47195 Himself 984599
324447 47195 Himself (interviewee) 987786
346740 47195 Himself 1018974
400308 47195 Himself 1089815
494552 47195 Herself (interviewee) 1202384
523252 47195 Herself (interviewee) 1237415
639405 47195 Herself (interviewee) 1381884
639742 47195 Herself 1382415
6924 47195 Himself (interviewee) 1396142
30123 47195 Himself 1424902
54904 47195 Himself 1458793
83446 47195 Himself 1497421

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]