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The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


personid movieid character banks_node_id
120191 69882 Starfleet Commander William Thomas Riker 724295
121086 69882 Himself 725450
160872 69882 Himself 775570
240344 69882 Himself 881089
272155 69882 Himself 921584
306742 69882 Himself 966255
96717 69882 Starfleet Lieutenant Worf Sonof Mogh 693964
135307 69882 Himself 743155
203127 69882 Himself 830487
222763 69882 Himself 856899
244391 69882 Himself 886435
251899 69882 Himself 895779
287258 69882 Himself 940551
299437 69882 Himself 956127
315119 69882 Himself 976314
328478 69882 Himself 992791
341356 69882 Starfleet Lieutenant Commander Data 1010352
345367 69882 Himself 1016487
353591 69882 Himself 1026341
388683 69882 Host 1073058
402878 69882 Herself 1092099
404733 69882 Herself 1094507
418669 69882 Herself 1111986
431408 69882 Herself 1127053
433394 69882 Herself 1129139
442744 69882 Herself 1141530
482939 69882 Host 1188458
545305 69882 Starfleet Commander Beverly Crusher nee Howard M.D. 1264881
572205 69882 Herself 1298088
577077 69882 Herself 1304017

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]