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The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


personid movieid character banks_node_id
98446 7127 Magus' Servant 697003
335205 7127 Police Officer 1002068
96261 7127 Smokey 693216
97218 7127 Security Guard 695042
97416 7127 Mr. Pascal 695380
169839 7127 Voice of Mr.M 787889
213385 7127 Chad 844778
311199 7127 Corey Mahoney 971640
320751 7127 Bartender 983287
363457 7127 Billy 1039202
364385 7127 Simon Magus 1040292
379834 7127 Terrence Christian 1058940
418857 7127 Buxom Blonde 1112200
421524 7127 Magnificent Martha 1115395
452460 7127 Green-Eyed Girl 1153464
480936 7127 Herself 1186026
513183 7127 Samantha 1225540
520787 7127 Blue Eyed Asian 1234692
522652 7127 Red Headed Woman 1236743
535534 7127 Mollie 1253359
601735 7127 Buxom Brunette 1333823
636850 7127 Freddy's Girl 1378363
23338 7127 Old Bum 1416210
29160 7127 Demon 1423802
30535 7127 Frederick Finch 1425417
72210 7127 Male Tour Guide 1481758
83442 7127 Mallion 1497412
87762 7127 Angry Soldier 1502413

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]