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The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


The table does not contain any record satisfying the given value


personid movieid character banks_node_id
200123 8003 Lurtz 826418
248210 8003 Himself/Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck 891168
161952 8003 Bilbo Baggins 777128
171532 8003 Himself (director) 790075
206488 8003 Himself/Saruman 835411
237186 8003 Himself/Gandalf 876583
252403 8003 Himself/Aragorn/Strider 896705
267089 8003 Narrator 915808
271127 8003 Himself (producer) 920498
301365 8003 Himself/Gimli 958851
361005 8003 Himself (archived video and recording) 1036488
382638 8003 Elrond 1063312
391993 8003 Himself/Frodo Baggins 1078554
422070 8003 Herself/Galadriel 1116209
14437 8003 Himself/Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee 1405380
24837 8003 Himself/Boromir 1417955
35294 8003 Himself/Legolas Greenleaf 1431603
40572 8003 Himself/Peregrin 'Pippin' Took 1438867

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]