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srcid dstid banks_node_id
22059 91358 1519486


srcid dstid banks_node_id
91358 22059 1530329


personid movieid character banks_node_id
125008 91358 Sgt. Eugene McVey Left waist gunner 730234
499833 91358 Faith Rascal's girl at dance 1208657
96376 91358 1st Lt. Luke Sinclair Copilot 693481
103628 91358 '5-2' 703683
105791 91358 Footballer 706253
120383 91358 Bandleader 724597
133416 91358 Sgt. Jack Bocci Right waist gunner 740405
204393 91358 Sergeant 832323
213443 91358 Lt.Col. Bruce Derringer Public relations officer 844854
216017 91358 Cook 848782
221360 91358 Stan the Rookie 855030
235796 91358 Leo 873785
235905 91358 Footballer 873980
247282 91358 Capt. Dennis Dearborn Pilot 889884
316186 91358 Footballer 977301
346535 91358 Sgt. Danny Daly Radioman 1018420
347403 91358 Col. Craig Harriman Commanding Officer 1019883
350861 91358 Lt. Phil Lowenthal Navigator 1023997
382721 91358 Group Navigator 1063441
397682 91358 Lt. Val Kozlowski Bombardier 1086591
557113 91358 Jitterbugger 1280387
602960 91358 Jitterbugger 1335539
637375 91358 Singer at dance 1379129
14437 91358 Sgt. Richard 'Rascal' Moore Ball turret 1405379
32905 91358 Lieutenant 1428256
45277 91358 Rookie Captain 1445372
62250 91358 Adjutant 1467953
71530 91358 Sgt. Clay Busby Tailgunner 1480803
78470 91358 Farmer 1490830
92778 91358 Sgt. Virgil 'Virge the Virgin' Hoogesteger Top turret 1508508

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IIT Bombay > CSE Department > Informatics Lab
Comments: {sudarsha} [at] {soumen} [at]