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  1. Forward processing - refers to the updates performed when the system is in normal processing, i.e. the updates are not being done by recovery processes
  2. Recovery - Process of restoring the database to a consistent state after failure
  3. LSN (Log Sequence Number) - a unique logical number given to log records. Typically, they are the logical addresses of the corresponding log records.
  4. Types of log records
    1. Undo-only log record - log record that contains only undo information
    2. Redo-only log record - log record that contains only redo information
    3. Undo-Redo log record - log record that contains both undo and redo info
  5. Types of logging
    1. Value logging - Writing the log such that the log records the values of the database items being updated before and after the transaction.
    2. Operation logging - Writing the log such that the log records operations performed on the database rather than the resulting value
  6. WAL (Write Ahead Logging) protocol -

    Figure 1: Shadow-page technique

  7. Recovering from different types of failures
  8. Savepoints - point in the transaction state saved by the transaction Checkpoints - point in the database state saved by the transaction processing system
  9. Partial rollback - perform rollback till the previous savepoint
    Total rollback - perform complete rollback (undo the effect) of the transaction and terminate the transaction
  10. Normal undo - may be caused by a transaction request to rollback or it may be system initiated because of deadlock or errors (eg. violation of integrity constraints)
    Restart undo - refers to transaction rollback during restart recovery or after system failure
  11. Page-oriented redo - the redo log record describes the page which was modified originally and the redo is being performed on the same database page
    Logical redo - this refers to redoing a logical operation and hence may require access to several pages and descriptors of the database
  12. Page-oriented undo - the undo log record describes the page which was modify ed originally and the undo is being performed on the same database page
    Logical undo - this refers to undoing a logical operation and hence may require access to several pages and descriptors of the database
  13. CLR (Compensation Log Record)
  14. Latches
  15. Locks
  16. Hierarchical Locking

    Figure 2: Lock Mode Compatibility Matrix

  17. Lock Request Modes

    Lock Durations

  18. Buffer Primitives
    1. Fix - used to request the buffer address of a logical page in the DB; if the requested page is not in the buffer pool, the BM (Buffer Manager) allocates a buffer slot and reads the page in. The fix primitive is also used to communicate the intention of modifying the page
    2. Fixnew - used to allocate a new buffer slot if that page is not in the buffer pool
    3. Unfix - make the page (buffer slot) available for replacement
  19. Buffer Management Policies
    1. Steal Policy - a page modified by transaction is written to the non-volatile storage before it commits
    2. No-Steal Policy - no page modified by the transaction is written to the non-volatile storage until it commits
    3. Force Policy - the transaction is not allowed to commit until all pages modified by it are written to the non-volatile storage
    4. No-Force Policy - the transaction is allowed to commit even if all the pages modified by it are not written yet to the DB

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Vinay V
Mon Apr 12 18:36:08 IST 1999