Sunita Sarawagi researches in the fields of databases and machine learning. She is head of the Center for Machine Intelligence and Data Science at IIT Bombay. She got her PhD in databases from the University of California at Berkeley and a bachelors degree from IIT Kharagpur. She has also worked at Google Research (2014-2016), CMU (2004), and IBM Almaden Research Center (1996-1999). She is an ACM fellow, was awarded the Infosys Prize in 2019 for Engineering and Computer Science, and the distinguished Alumnus award from IIT Kharagpur. She has several publications including notable paper awards at ACM SIGMOD, ICDM, and NeuRIPS conferences. She has served on the board of directors of the ACM SIGKDD and VLDB foundation, program chair for the ACM SIGKDD 2008 conference, and research track co-chair for the VLDB 2011 conference, and on the editorial boards of the ACM TODS and ACM TKDD journals.