Testing and Execution

In the context of our project "Online Music System" , we will mainly have three basic operations to be done in the testing phase:-

Application Deployment- When we run the application in several machines , we need to check whether the functionalities are being carried out correctly without any discrepancy , as several users may be trying to operate in our application.In other words,the completed model will be checked for consistency and transformed into a platform-specific format.

Launching the Application- Once the user has started working with the application,we intend to verify whether proper sessions are being maintained during the Login and Registration Phases. Whether database connectivity is working fine with several users trying to update the database and giving desired results.

Running Time- We also test whether the application throws any exceptions while running it. Our idea is to ensure that during the execution of the music application all the modules function in conformity along with the generation of correct data about the sales and reports.

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