
Device drivers take on a special role in the Linux kernel. They are distinct "black boxes" that make a particular piece of hardware respond to a well-defined internal programming interface; they hide completely the details of how the device works. User activities are performed by means of a set of standardized calls that are independent of the specific driver; mapping those calls to device-specific operations that act on real hardware is then the role of the device driver. This programming interface is such that drivers can be built separately from the rest of the kernel, and "plugged in" at runtime when needed. This modularity makes Linux drivers easy to write, to the point that there are now hundreds of them available.

The Unix way of looking at devices distinguishes between three device types. Each module usually implements one of these types, and thus is classifiable as a char module, a block module, or a network module. This division of modules into different types, or classes, is not a rigid one.

The three classes are the following:

Not being a stream-oriented device, a network interface isn't easily mapped to a node in the filesystem, as /dev/tty1 is. The Unix way to provide access to interfaces is still by assigning a unique name to them (such as eth0), but that name doesn't have a corresponding entry in the filesystem. Communication between the kernel and a network device driver is completely different from that used with char and block drivers. Instead of read and write, the kernel calls functions related to packet transmission.