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16th International Conference on Management of Data

December 8-10, 2010
Nagpur, India

For close to two decades, the International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD), modeled along the lines of ACM SIGMOD, has been the premier international database conference hosted in India. The first COMAD was held in 1989, and it has been held on a nearly annual basis since then (except for a few breaks such as in the years when VLDB and ICDE were held in India). COMAD has always had a significant international participation, with about 30% of the papers being from outside India, including Europe, USA and East/South-East Asia.

This year the conference runs as an event of the newly formed Computer Society of India (CSI) Special Interest Group on Data (SIGDATA).

The conference ran successfully with all the talks having been delivered as per the schedule. There were in all 134 number of participants. We are very thankful to all our sponsors. The PDFs of the papers and the slides (where available ) can be found under the "accepted papers" / "industry track" section of the website. The following awards were announced:

Best Student Paper:

"Aggregate Skyline Join Queries: Skylines with Aggregate Operations over Multiple Relations"
Arnab Bhattacharya (IIT Kanpur) and Palvali Teja (Amazon, Hyderabad)

Best Paper:

"High-Precision Web Extraction Using Site Knowledge"
Meghana Kshirsagar (UIUC, USA), Rajeev Rastogi (Yahoo, Bangalore), Sandeepkumar Satpal (Microsoft,Hyderabad), Srinivasan Sengamedu (Yahoo, Bangalore) and Venu Satuluri (Ohio State Univ, USA)

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Proceedings Sponsor

DST, Govt. of India