Sep 25, 2000       CS101   Lecture


            1.  Midsem Feedback
            2.  Remaining Labs and Quizzes
            3.  Project Deadlines (by Oct 16- Design submission)
            4.  Fortran Pass 2
                 BITS  --->  Data   ----> Knowledge  ---> Wisdom ----> ??

                       Data          Control         AI
                        Structures    Structures    (Rules,Intelligence)
                     Wisdom  ------->    ???
                    - Functions as Arguments (Today)
                        - Example 1: Series Sum
                        - Example 2: Generic Sorting (Thursday)
                                      - Derived Data Types
            5.  Forthcoming Attractions
                      - Representation of Real, Complex, Double Precision...
                      - Modules  (Shared Data, Procedures, Interfaces)
                      - Recursion (Function calling itself)
                      - Dynamic Data (Pointers and Lists)