real 1m0.545s user 1m0.184s sys 0m0.224s Sizzling (S (NP (NP (VBG Sizzling sizzle ) (NNS temperatures temperature )) (CC and and ) (NP (JJ hot hot ) (NN summer summer ) (NNS pavements pavement ))) (VP (AUX are are ) (UCP (NP (NN anything anything )) (CC but but ) (VP (NN kind kind ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNS feet foot )))))) (. . . )) That (S (NP (DT That that )) (VP (AUX is is ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB why why )) (S (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ important important ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB invest invest ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (JJ comfortable comfortable ) (, , , ) (JJ airy airy ) (NNS types type )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NNS shoes shoe ))))))))))))) (. . . )) There (S (NP (EX There there )) (VP (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (JJ many many ) (JJ soft soft ) (CC and and ) (JJ light light ) (NNS shoeLeathers shoeleather )) (ADJP (JJ available available )))) (. . . )) Many (S (NP (JJ Many many ) (NNS styles style )) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (NP (NNS perforations perforation )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (DT an an ) (RB almost almost ) (NN weightlessness weightlessness )) (VP (VBN achieved achieve ) (PP (IN via via ) (NP (JJ unlined unlined ) (NNS leathers leather ))))))) (. . . )) Softness (S (NP (NN Softness softness )) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN found find ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (JJ crushed crushed ) (NNS textures texture ))))) (. . . )) Styles (S (NP (NNS Styles style )) (VP (VBP run run ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN gamut gamut )) (PP (IN from from ) (NP (ADJP (ADJP (JJR slender slender )) (CC and and ) (ADJP (ADJP (JJ tapered tapered ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (JJ elongated elongated ) (NNS toes toe )))) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJR newer newer ) (VBN squared square ) (NN toe toe ))))) (NN shape shape )))) (. . . )) Heels (S (NP (NNS Heels heel )) (VP (VBP place place ) (NP (NN emphasis emphasis )) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ longLegged longlegged ) (NN silhouette silhouette )))) (. . . )) Wine_glass (S (NP (JJ WineGlass wineglass ) (NNS heels heel )) (VP (AUX are are ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VBN found find ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT both both ) (NN high high ) (CC and and ) (NNS semiHeights semiheight )))))))) (. . . )) Stacked_heels (S (NP (NNS StackedHeels stackedheel )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADVP (RB also also )) (ADJP (JJ popular popular )) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NP (NN dressy dressy )) (CC or or ) (NP (JJ tailored tailored ) (NNS shoes shoe ))))) (. . . )) Just (S (NP (NP (RB Just just ) (DT the the ) (JJS barest barest ) (NN suggestion suggestion )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN heel heel )))) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN found find ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (JJ teenage teenage ) (NNS pumps pump ))))) (. . . )) While (S (SBAR (IN While while ) (S (NP (JJ white white )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJS coolest coolest ) (NN summer summer ) (NN shade shade ))))) (, , , ) (NP (EX there there )) (VP (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (NNS lots lot )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (JJ pastel pastel ) (NNS hues hue )) (PP (IN along along ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (NP (JJ tintable tintable ) (NNS fabrics fabric )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that that )) (S (VP (MD will will ) (VP (VB blend blend ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (DT any any ) (NN wardrobe wardrobe ) (NN color color )))))))))))))) (. . . )) In (SINV (PP (IN In in ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ tintable tintable ) (NN group group ))) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ high high ) (CC and and ) (RB little little ))) (NP (NP (NNS heels heel )) (, , , ) (NP (ADJP (VBN squared square ) (CC and and ) (JJ oval oval )) (NNS throats throat )) (, , , ) (CC and and ) (NP (JJ shantung shantung ) (JJ like like ) (NNS textures texture ))) (. . . )) Do (S (NP (NP (NNP Do do ) (NNP n n ) (POS ' ' )) (NNS t t )) (VP (VBP overlook overlook ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS straws straw )) (NP (DT this this ) (NN year year )))) (. . . )) They (S (NP (PRP They they )) (VP (VBP come come ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (JJ crisp crisp ) (NNS basketWeaves basketweave )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (JJ natural natural ) (NN honey honey ) (NNS hues hue )) (, , , ) (ADVP (IN along along ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (JJ lacy lacy ) (JJ open open ) (NNS weaves weave )) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ lustre lustre ) (NN finish finish )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (JJ natural natural ) (, , , ) (JJ white white ) (, , , ) (JJ black black )))) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ whole whole ) (NN range range )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NNS colors color ))))))))))))) (. . . )) In (S (PP (IN In in ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ casual casual ) (NN field field ))) (NP (NNS straws straw )) (VP (VP (VBP feature feature ) (NP (NP (NNS wedgeHeels wedgeheel )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NN cork cork ))))) (CC or or ) (VP (VBD carved carve ) (NP (NN wood wood )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN variety variety )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NNS styles style ))))))) (. . . )) For (S (PP (IN For for ) (NP (VBN added add ) (NN comfort comfort ))) (NP (NP (DT some some )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ Italian italian ) (VBN designed design ) (NNS sandals sandal )))) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (NN foam foam ) (JJ padded padded ) (NN cushioning cushioning ))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (NP (DT The the ) (JJ citrus citrus ) (NNS tones tone )) (ADJP (JJ popular popular ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NN clothing clothing ))))) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADVP (RB also also )) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VBN found find ) (ADVP (RB afoot afoot ))))))) (. . . )) Orange (S (NP (NNP Orange orange ) (CC and and ) (NNP lemon lemon )) (VP (AUX are are ) (VP (VBN considered consider ) (S (ADJP (JJ important important ))) (SBAR (IN as as ) (SINV (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (JJ such such ) (NNS pastels pastel )) (PP (IN as as ) (ADJP (JJ blue blue ) (CC and and ) (JJ lilac lilac )))))))) (. . . )) In (S (PP (IN In in ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN brighter brighter ))) (NP (JJ nautical nautical ) (NN vein vein )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (NNP IleDeFrance iledefrance ) (NN blue blue ))) (. . . )) Contrast (S (NP (NP (NN Contrast contrast )) (ADJP (JJ trim trim ))) (VP (VBZ provides provide ) (NP (NP (JJ other other ) (NNS touches touch )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NN color color ))))) (. . . )) Spectators (S (NP (NP (NNS Spectators spectator )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (JJ white white ) (NN crush crush ) (NNS textures texture )))) (VP (VB dip dip ) (NP (NP (NN toe toe )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (. . . ) (NN heel heel )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (JJ smooth smooth ) (NN black black )) (, , , ) (NP (NN navy navy )) (CC and and ) (NP (JJ taffy taffy ) (NNP tan tan ))))))) (. . . )) Designed (SINV (VP (VBN Designed design ) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (NN summer summer ) (NN comfort comfort )))) (VP (AUX are are )) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS shoes shoe )) (VP (VBN illustrated illustrate ))) (. . . )) At (S (IN At at ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN left left )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN pair pair )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (JJ dressy dressy ) (NN straw straw ) (NNS pumps pump )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN light light )))))) (, , , ) (CC but but ) (NP (JJ crisp crisp ) (NN texture texture )))) (. . . )) In (S (PP (IN In in ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN lacy lacy ))) (NP (JJ open open ) (JJ weave weave ) (NNS shoes shoe )) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (DT a a ) (NX (NX (NN luster luster ) (NN finish finish )) (, , , ) (NX (JJ braided braided ) (NN collar collar )) (CC and and ) (NX (NN bow bow ) (NN highlight highlight )))) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT the the ) (VBN squared square ) (NN throat throat )))) (. . . )) At (SINV (PP (IN At at ) (ADVP (RB right right ))) (VP (AUX is is )) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ casual casual ) (NN style style )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ crushed crushed ) (JJ unlined unlined ) (JJ white white ) (NN leather leather )))) (. . . )) Flats (S (NP (NNS Flats flat )) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ scalloped scalloped ) (NN throat throat ))) (. . . )) An (S (NP (NP (DT An an ) (NN electricToothbrush electrictoothbrush )) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB- -lrb- ) (NP (NNP Broxodent broxodent )) (-RRB- -RRB- -rrb- ))) (VP (MD may may ) (ADVP (RB soon soon )) (VP (VB take take ) (NP (PRP$ its its ) (NN place place )) (ADVP (JJ next next ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN electricRazor electricrazor )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNP American american ) (NN bathroom bathroom )))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN brush brush )) (VP (VP (VBZ moves move ) (NP (NN upAndDown upanddown ))) (CC and and ) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ small small ) (RB enough enough ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB clean clean ) (NP (NP (DT every every ) (JJ dental dental ) (NN surface surface )) (, , , ) (PP (VBG including include ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN back back )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNS teeth tooth )))))))))))) (. . . )) In_addition (S (NP (NNP InAddition inaddition )) (, , , ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN motor motor )) (VP (AUX has has ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN sealOfApproval sealofapproval )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNP UnderwritersLaboratories underwriterslaboratory )) (, , , ) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ means mean ) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ safe safe )))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN unit unit )) (VP (VBD consistsOf consistsof ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ small small ) (NN motor motor )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that that ) (NN goesOn goeson ) (NNS asSoonAs assoona )) (S (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ pluggedIn pluggedin ))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN speed speed )) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN controlled controll ) (PP (IN by by ) (S (VP (VBG pressing press ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (CD two two ) (NNP brake brake ) (NNS buttons button )) (VP (VBN located locate ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where where )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN indexFinger indexfinger ) (CC and and ) (NN thumb thumb )) (VP (AUX are are ) (VP (VBN placed place ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (VP (VBG holding hold ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN motor motor ))))))))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NNS brushes brush )) (VP (MD can can ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VP (VBN cleaned clean )) (CC and and ) (VP (VBN sterilized sterilize ) (PP (IN by by ) (S (VP (VP (VBG boiling boil )) (CC and and ) (VP (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (JJ detachable detachable ) (NN soThat sothat )) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (DT every every ) (NN member member )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN family family )))) (VP (MD can can ) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (JJ own own ))))))))))))))) (. . . )) Most_of (S (ADVP (RB MostOf mostof )) (NP (PRP us us )) (VP (VB brush brush ) (NP (PRP$ our our ) (NNS teeth tooth )) (ADVP (RB byHand byhand ))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (JJ same same )) (VP (MD can can ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VBD said say ) (PP (IN of of ) (S (VP (VBG shaving shave ) (SBAR (S (NP (RB yet yet ) (DT the the ) (NN electricRazor electricrazor )) (VP (AUX has has ) (VP (VBN proved prove ) (ADJP (JJ useful useful ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (JJ many many ) (NNS men man )))))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN electricToothbrush electrictoothbrush )) (VP (VBZ moves move ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ vertical vertical ) (NN direction direction ))) (, , , ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN way way )) (SBAR (S (NP (NNS dentists dentist )) (VP (VBP recommend recommend )))))) (. . . )) In_addition (S (NP (NNP InAddition inaddition )) (, , , ) (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ small small ) (RB enough enough ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NP (JJ getInto getinto ) (NNS crevices crevice )) (, , , ) (NP (NN jacket jacket ) (CC and and ) (NN crown crown ) (NNS margins margin )) (, , , ) (NP (JJ malposed malposed ) (NNS anteriors anterior )) (, , , ) (CC and and ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN backTeeth backteeth )))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (VBZ bristles bristle )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ soft soft ) (RB enough enough ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VP (VB massage massage ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNS gums gum ))) (CC and and ) (RB not not ) (VP (VBP scratch scratch ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN enamel enamel )))))))) (. . . )) It (S (NP (PRP It it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ conceivable conceivable )) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (NP (NNP Broxodent broxodent )) (VP (MD could could ) (VP (AUX do do ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJR better better ) (NN job job )) (PP (IN than than ) (NP (JJ ordinary ordinary ) (VBG brushing brush )))) (, , , ) (PP (ADVP (RB especially especially )) (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT those those )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (AUX do do ) (RB not not ) (VP (VB brush brush ) (NP (PRP$ their their ) (NNS teeth tooth )) (ADVP (RB properly properly ))))))))))))) (. . . )) Several (S (NP (NP (JJ Several several ) (NNS dentists dentist )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (NNS patients patient )) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (JJ special special ) (JJ dental dental ) (NNS problems problem ))))) (VP (AUX have have ) (VP (VBN experimented experiment ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN device device ))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NNS results result )) (VP (AUX were were ) (ADJP (JJ good good )) (SBAR (IN although although ) (S (NP (PRP they they )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ difficult difficult ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB compare compare ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (NN hand hand ) (VBG brushing brush ))))))) (, , , ) (SBAR (ADVP (RB particularly particularly )) (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN individual individual )) (VP (VBZ knows know ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how how )) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB brush brush ) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NNS teeth tooth )) (ADVP (RB properly properly ))))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (JJ electric electric ) (NN gadget gadget )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (RBS most most ) (JJ helpful helpful )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (EX there there )) (VP (AUX are are ) (UCP (NP (JJ many many ) (JJ crowned crowned ) (NNS teeth tooth )) (CC and and ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (NNS individuals individual )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ elderly elderly ))) (, , , ) (VP (VBP bedfast bedfast ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ chronic chronic ) (NN disease disease )))) (, , , ) (CC or or ) (VP (AUX are are ) (VP (VBN handicapped handicapp ) (PP (IN by by ) (NP (NP (NNS disorders disorder ) (NNS suchAs sucha )) (ADJP (JJ cerebralPalsy cerebralpalsy ) (CC or or ) (JJ muscularDystrophy musculardystrophy )))))))))))))))) (. . . )) But (S (CC But but ) (PP (IN for for ) (S (VP (VBG manyOf manyof ) (NP (PRP us us ))))) (, , , ) (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (MD will will ) (VP (VB prove prove ) (NP (DT an an ) (JJ enjoyable enjoyable ) (NN luxury luxury )))) (. . . )) It (S (S (NP (PRP It it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (RB not not ) (ADJP (ADJP (RB as as ) (JJ convenient convenient )) (PP (IN as as ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ old old ) (NN type type ) (NN toothbrush toothbrush )))))) (CC and and ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN paste paste )) (VP (VBZ tends tend ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NP (NN shimmy shimmy )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (VBZ bristles bristle ))))))) (. . . )) Since (S (SBAR (IN Since since ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN apparatus apparatus )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ new new ))))) (, , , ) (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (VBZ requires require ) (NP (NP (NN experimentation experimentation )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (NNS changes change )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NN technique technique )))))) (. . . )) writes (SINV (VP (VBZ writes write )) (: : : ) (S (VP (AUX Does does ) (RB numbness numbness ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN leftHand lefthand )) (PP (IN at at ) (NP (NN night night ))) (, , , ) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ awakens awaken ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN person person ))))) (, , , ))) (VP (VB indicate indicate ) (NP (NN brainTumor braintumor ))))) (. . . )) No. (INTJ (UH No no ) (. . . )) This (S (S (NP (DT This this )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ common common ) (NN symptom symptom )))) (CC and and ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN cause cause )) (ADVP (RB usually usually )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (NP (NN pressure pressure )) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN nerve nerve )) (VP (VBG leading lead ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ affected affected ) (NN hand hand ))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN pressure pressure )) (VP (MD may may ) (VP (VB come come ) (PP (IN from from ) (NP (NNS muscles muscle ) (, , , ) (NNS tendons tendon ) (, , , ) (CC or or ) (NNS bones bone ))) (ADVP (RB anywhere anywhere ) (PP (IN from from ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN neck neck )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN hand hand )))))))) (. . . )) writes (S (S (VP (VBZ writes write ))) (: : : ) (S (NP (NNP Do do ) (NNS steamBaths steambath )) (VP (AUX have have ) (NP (DT any any ) (NN health health ) (NN value value )))) (. . . )) No (S (INTJ (UH No no )) (, , , ) (NP (JJ otherThan otherthan )) (VP (VP (VBP cleaningOut cleaningout ) (NP (DT the the ) (VBZ pores pore ))) (CC and and ) (VP (VBG making make ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NNS sweatGlands sweatgland )) (VP (VB work work ) (ADVP (RBR harder harder )))))) (. . . )) An (S (NP (NP (DT An an ) (JJ ordinary ordinary ) (JJ hot hot ) (NN bath bath )) (CC or or ) (NP (VB shower shower ))) (VP (MD will will ) (VP (AUX do do ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ same same )))) (. . . )) writes (SINV (VP (VBZ writes write )) (: : : ) (SBAR (WHNP (WP What what )) (S (VP (VBZ makes make ) (S (NP (PRP$ my my ) (NNS hands hand )) (ADJP (JJ numb numb ))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (NNP sewing sewing ))))))) (. . . )) There (S (NP (EX There there )) (VP (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (JJ many many ) (NNS possibilities possibility )) (, , , ) (PP (VBG including include ) (NP (NP (JJ poor poor ) (NN circulation circulation )) (, , , ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN variety variety )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (JJ neurological neurological ) (NNS conditions condition )))) (, , , ) (CC and and ) (NP (JJ functional functional ) (NNS disorders disorder )))))) (. . . )) This (S (NP (DT This this ) (NN manifestation manifestation )) (VP (MD may may ) (VP (AUX be be ) (NP (NP (NP (DT an an ) (JJ early early ) (NN sign sign )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NN multipleSclerosis multiplesclerosis )))) (CC or or ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN beginning beginning )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NN sewer sewer ) (NN cramp cramp ))))))) (. . . )) writes (S (S (VP (VBZ writes write ))) (: : : ) (SINV (AUX Does does ) (NP (DT a a )) (VP (VB brace brace ) (NP (NN help help )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NN sciatica sciatica ))))) (. . . )) A (S (NP (DT A a ) (NN backBrace backbrace )) (VP (MD might might ) (VP (VP (VB help help )) (, , , ) (VP (VB dependingUpon dependingupon ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN cause cause )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NN sciatica sciatica ))))))) (. . . )) writes (S (VP (VBZ writes write ) (: : : ) (SQ (AUX Does does ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN cholesterol cholesterol )) (NP (NNP goDown godown )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (NP (JJS most most )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN thyroidGland thyroidgland )))) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN removed remove ))))))) (. . . )) No. (INTJ (UH No no ) (. . . )) It (S (NP (PRP It it )) (ADVP (RB usually usually )) (VP (VBP goesUp goesup )) (. . . )) The (S (NP (NP (DT The the ) (NN cholesterol cholesterol ) (NN level level )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN blood blood )))) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN influenced influence ) (PP (IN by by ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS glands gland )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN body body ))))))) (. . . )) It (S (NP (PRP It it )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ low low )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN thyroid thyroid )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ overactive overactive ) (CC and and ) (JJ high high )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN gland gland )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ sluggish sluggish ))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (JJ latter latter )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (JJ likely likely ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB occur occur ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN thyroid thyroid )) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN removed remove )))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (NP (DT The the ) (NN gap gap )) (PP (IN between between ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN bookshelf bookshelf )) (CC and and ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN record record ) (NN cabinet cabinet ))))) (VP (VBZ grows grow ) (ADVP (JJR smaller smaller )) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (DT each each ) (JJ new new ) (NN recording recording ) (NN catalogue catalogue )))) (. . . )) There (S (NP (EX There there )) (NP (JJR more more ) (NN reading reading ) (CC and and ) (NN instruction instruction )) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VBN heard hear ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NP (NNS discs disc )) (PP (IN than than ) (ADVP (RB ever ever ) (RB before before ))))) (, , , ) (SBAR (IN although although ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (VBN spoken speak ) (NN ratherThan ratherthan )) (NP (DT the the ) (VBN sung sing ) (NN word word )) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADJP (ADJP (RB as as ) (JJ old old )) (PP (IN as as ) (NP (NNP ThomasAlvaEdison thomasalvaedison ) (JJ first first ) (NN experiment experiment )))) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (JJ recorded recorded ) (NN sound sound ))))))))) (. . . )) Edison (S (NP (NN Edison edison )) (VP (MD could could ) (ADVP (RB hardly hardly )) (VP (AUX have have ) (VP (VBD guessed guess ) (, , , ) (ADVP (RB however however )) (, , , ) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (NP (NNP Sophocles sophocle )) (VP (MD would would ) (NP (CD one one ) (NN day day )) (VP (VB appear appear ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NN stereo stereo )))))))))) (. . . )) If (S (SBAR (IN If if ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN record record ) (NN buyer buyer ) (NNS tastes taste )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (ADJP (RB somewhat somewhat ) (JJ eclectic eclectic )) (CC or or ) (ADJP (NP (RB even even ) (DT the the ) (JJS slightest slightest ) (NN bit bit )) (JJ esoteric esoteric )))))) (, , , ) (NP (PRP he he )) (VP (MD will will ) (VP (VB find find ) (S (NP (PRP them them )) (ADJP (JJ satisfied satisfied ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (JJ educational educational ) (NNS records record ))))))) (. . . )) And (S (CC And and ) (NP (PRP he he )) (VP (MD will will ) (VP (VB avoid avoid ) (NP (NP (NN eyeStrain eyestrain )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN process process )))))) (. . . )) Everything (S (NP (NP (NN Everything everything )) (PP (PP (IN from from ) (NP (NP (NP (NN poetry poetry )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NNS phonetics phonetics )))) (, , , ) (NP (NP (NN history history )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NNS histrionics histrionics )))) (, , , ) (NP (NN philosophy philosophy )))) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NNS partyGames partygame ))))) (VP (AUX has has ) (VP (AUX been been ) (VP (VBN adapted adapt ) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN turntable turntable )))))) (. . . )) For (S (PP (IN For for ) (NP (JJ sheer sheer ) (NN ambition ambition ))) (, , , ) (VP (VB take take ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNP Decca decca ) (NN series series )) (VP (VBN titled title ) (ADVP (RB modestly modestly )) ('' '' '' ) (SBAR (S (NP (NN Wisdom wisdom )) (VP (POS ' ' ) ('' ' ' ))))))) (. . . )) Volumes (S (NP (NNS Volumes volume ) (CD One one ) (CC and and ) (CD Two two )) (, , , ) (PP (VBN selected select ) (PP (IN from from ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS soundTracks soundtrack )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN television television ) (NN series series )))))) (, , , ) (VP (VB contain contain ) ('' '' '' ) (NP (NP (NNS conversations conversation )) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJR elder elder ) (NN wiseMen wiseman )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (PRP$ our our ) (NN day day ) (POS ' ' )) (POS ' ' ))))))) (. . . )) These (S (NP (DT These these ) (NNS sages sage )) (VP (VP (VBP include include ) (NP (NP (NN poet poet ) (NNP CarlSandburg carlsandburg )) (, , , ) (NP (JJ statesman statesman ) (NNP JawaharlalNehru jawaharlalnehru )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (JJ sculptor sculptor ) (NNP JacquesLipchitz jacqueslipchitz )) (, , , ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NN Volume volume ) (CD One one ))) (, , , )))) (CC and and ) (VP (NN playwright playwright ) (NP (NP (NP (NNP SeanO seano ) (POS ' ' )) (NNP Casey casey )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP DavidBenGurion davidbengurion )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP philosopher philosopher ) (NNP BertrandRussell bertrandrussell )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ late late ) (NNP FrankLloydWright franklloydwright )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ second second ) (NN set set ))))))) (. . . )) Hugh_Downs (S (NP (NNP HughDowns hughdown )) (VP (AUX is is ) (VP (VBN heard hear ) (S (VP (VBG interviewing interview ) (NP (NNP Wright wright )) (, , , ) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (DT an an ) (VBN added add ) (NN prestige prestige ) (NN fillip fillip ))))))) (. . . )) There (S (NP (EX There there )) (NP (NP (JJR more more ) (NN specialization specialization )) (CC and and ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJR narrower narrower ) (NN purpose purpose )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (CD two two ) (NNS albums album ))))) (VP (ADVP (RB recently recently )) (VBN issued issue ) (PP (IN by by ) (NP (NNP DoverPublications doverpublication )))) (. . . )) Dover (S (NP (NNP Dover dover )) ('' '' '' ) (VP (VP (VBZ publishes publish )) ('' '' '' ) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what what )) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN company company )) (VP (VBZ calls call )))) ('' '' '' ) (NP (NP (NNP ListenAndLearn listenandlearn ) ('' '' '' ) (NNS productions production )) (VP (VBN designed design ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB teach teach ) (NP (JJ foreign foreign ) (NNS languages language )))))))) (. . . )) Previous (S (NP (JJ Previous previous ) (NNS presentations presentation )) (VP (AUX have have ) (VP (AUX been been ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NNP French french ) (, , , ) (NNP Spanish spanish ) (, , , ) (NNP Russian russian ) (, , , ) (NNP Italian italian ) (, , , ) (NNP German german ) (CC and and ) (NNP Japanese japanese ))))) (. . . )) But (S (CC But but ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN firm firm )) (VP (VP (AUX has has ) (VP (VBN recognized recognize ) (S (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ tight tight ) (NN dollar dollar )) (CC and and ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN tourist tourist ) (NN desire desire ))) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB visit visit ) (NP (DT the the ) ('' '' '' ) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR smaller smaller )) (, , , ) (ADJP (RBR less less ) (VBN traveled travel )) (CC and and ) (ADJP (RB relatively relatively ) (JJ inexpensive inexpensive ))) (NNS countries country ) ('' '' '' ))))))) (, , , ) (CC and and ) (VP (AUX is is ) (ADVP (RB now now )) (VP (VBN prepared prepare ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB teach teach ) (ADJP (JJ modernGreek moderngreek ) (CC and and ) (JJ Portuguese portuguese )) (PP (IN through through ) (NP (NNS recordings recording ))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (NP (DT The the ) (JJ respective respective ) (NNS vocabularies vocabulary ) ('' '' '' )) (PP (JJ essential essential ) (IN for for ) (NP (NN travel travel ))) ('' '' '' )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ available available ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (JJ separate separate ) (NNS albums album ))))) (. . . )) Thanks (S (NP (NP (NNS Thanks thanks )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NNP SpokenArtsRecords spokenartsrecord )))) (, , , ) (S (NP (NN history history ) (NNS buffs buff )) (VP (MD may may ) (VP (VB hear hear ) (NP (NNP Lincoln lincoln )) ('' '' '' ) (S (NP (JJS most most ) (NX (NX (JJ memorable memorable ) (NNS speeches speech )) (CC and and ) (NX (NNS letters letter ))) ('' '' '' )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT a a ) (CD two two ) (NN disc disc ) (NN set set ))))))) (, , , ) (VP (VBN interpreted interpret ) (PP (IN by by ) (NP (NNP Lincoln lincoln ) (NN authority authority ) (CC and and ) (NN lecturer lecturer ) (NNP RoyP royp ) (. . . ) (NNP Basler basler )))) (. . . )) As (S (PP (IN As as ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ contemporary contemporary ) (NN bonus bonus ))) (, , , ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN set set )) (VP (VBZ includes include ) (S (NP (NNP CarlSandburg carlsandburg )) (VP (VB address address ) (PP (IN at at ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ joint joint ) (NN session session )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NNP Congress congress ))) (, , , ) (VP (VBN delivered deliver ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NP (NNP Lincoln lincoln ) (NN birthday birthday )) (ADVP (NP (CD two two ) (NNS years year )) (RB ago ago )))))))))) (. . . )) For (S (PP (IN For for ) (NP (DT those those ) (WP who who ))) (PRN ('' '' '' ) (PP (IN like like ) (UCP (NN poetry poetry ) (CC but but ) (ADJP (RB never never ) (FW getAroundTo getaroundto ))) (S (VP (VBG reading read ) (NP (PRP it it )))) ('' '' '' )) (, , , )) (NP (DT the the ) (NNP LibraryOfCongress libraryofcongress )) (VP (VBZ makes make ) (S (NP (PRP it it )) (ADJP (JJ possible possible )) (SBAR (IN for for ) (S (NP (NNS poets poet )) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX be be ) (VP (VBN heard hear ) (S (VP (VBG reading read ) (NP (PRP$ their their ) (JJ own own ) (NN work work ))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (X (S (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN program program )) (VP (AUX was was ) (VP (VBN instituted institute ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (CD 1940 1940 )))))) (, , , ) (CC and and ) (S (NP (NNS releases release )) (VP (AUX are are ) (ADJP (JJ available available )) (ADVP (RB only only )) (PP (IN from from ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNP RecordingLaboratory recordinglaboratory )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNP LibraryOfCongress libraryofcongress )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP Washington washington ) (CD 25 25 )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP D d )))))))) (. . . )) (SYM C c ) (. . . )) (NP (DT A a ) (NN catalogue catalogue )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (JJ available available ) (NN onRequest onrequest ))) (. . . )) Newest (S (NP (NP (JJS Newest newest )) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN list list )))) (VP (AUX are are ) (NP (NP (NNP JohnCiardi johnciardus )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP W w ) (. . . ) (NNP D d ) (. . . ) (NNP Snodgrass snodgrass )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP I. i. ) (NNP A a ) (. . . ) (NNP Richards richard )) (, , , ) (NP (NNP OscarWilliams oscarwilliam ) (, , , ) (NNP RobertHillyer roberthillyer ) (, , , ) (NNP JohnHallWheelock johnhallwheelock ) (, , , ) (NNP StephenVincentBenet stephenvincentbenet ) (, , , ) (NNP EdwinMuir edwinmuir ) (, , , ) (NNP JohnPealBishop johnpealbishop ) (CC and and ) (NNP MaxwellBodenheim maxwellbodenheim )))) (. . . )) Two (S (NP (CD Two two ) (NNS poets poet )) (VP (AUX are are ) (VP (VBN paired pair ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT each each ) (NN record record ))) (, , , ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN order order )) (VP (VBN given give ) (ADVP (RB above above ))))))) (. . . )) Decca (S (NP (NNP Decca decca )) (VP (AUX is is ) (RB not not ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ only only ) (JJ large large ) (JJ commercial commercial ) (NN company company )) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB impart impart ) (NP (NN instruction instruction )))))))) (. . . )) RCA_Victor (S (NP (NNP RCAVictor rcavictor )) (VP (AUX has has ) (NP (NP (DT an an ) (ADJP (JJ ambitious ambitious ) (CC and and ) (JJ useful useful )) (NN project project )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (JJ stereo stereo ) (NN series series )) (VP (VBN called call ) ('' '' '' ) (NP (NNP Adventures adventure )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NNP Music music ) ('' '' '' )))) (, , , ) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (NP (DT an an ) (JJ instructional instructional ) (NN record record ) (NN library library )) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (NNS elementarySchools elementaryschool ))))))))))) (. . . )) Howard_Mitchell (S (NP (NP (NNP HowardMitchell howardmitchell )) (CC and and ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNP NationalSymphony nationalsymphony ))) (VP (VBP perform perform ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ first first ) (CD two two ) (NNS releases release )) (, , , ) (VP (VBN designed design ) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (NNS grades grade ) (CD one one ) (CC and and ) (CD two two ))))))) (. . . )) Teaching (S (NP (NN Teaching teaching ) (NNS guides guide )) (VP (AUX are are ) (VP (VBN included include ) (PP (IN with with ) (NP (DT each each ) (NN record record ))))) (. . . )) In (S (PP (IN In in ) (NP (DT an an ) (NN effort effort ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB fortify fortify ) (NP (PRP himself himself )) (PP (IN against against ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ unforeseen unforeseen ) (NNS upsets upset )) (ADJP (JJ sure sure ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB arise arise ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN future future )))))))))))))) (, , , ) (NP (NP (NNP HerbertA herberta ) (. . . ) (NNP Leggett leggett )) (, , , ) (NP (NP (NN banker banker ) (NN editor editor )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NNP Phoenix phoenix ) ('' '' '' ) (NNP ArizonaProgress arizonaprogress ) ('' '' '' )))) (, , , )) (VP (VBZ reflects reflect ) (PP (IN upon upon ) (NP (NP (NN aFew afew )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ depressing depressing ) (NNS experiences experience )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (JJ feverish feverish ) (NNS fifties fifty )))))))) (. . . )) One (S (NP (NP (CD One one )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN roughest roughest )))) (VP (AUX was was ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN TV tv ) (NN quiz quiz ) (NNS shows show )) (, , , ) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBD gave give ) (NP (PRP him him )) (NP (NNS inferiorityComplexes inferioritycomplex ))))))) (. . . )) Though (S (SBAR (IN Though though ) (S (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX was was ) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ great great ) (NN relief relief )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ big big ) (NNS brains brain )) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT these these ) (NNS shows show )))) (VP (VBP turnedOut turnedout ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX be be ) (NP (NNS frauds fraud ) (CC and and ) (NNS phonies phony ))))))))))) (, , , ) (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX did did ) (NP (NP (JJ irreparable irreparable ) (NN damage damage )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN ego ego )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN editor editor ) (CC and and ) (ADJP (RBR manyAnother manyanother ) (JJ intelligent intelligent )) (, , , ) (JJ wellInformed wellinformed ) (NNP American american ))))))) (. . . )) But (S (CC But but ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN one one ) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (VP (VBN upset upset ) (NP (DT the the ) (ADJP (RB financially financially ) (JJ wise wise ))))))) (VP (AUX was was ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ professional professional ) (NN dancer dancer )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VBD related relate ) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN book book ))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how how )) (S (NP (PRP he he )) (VP (VBD parlayed parlay ) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NNS earnings earnings )) (PP (IN into into ) (NP (DT a a ) (ADJP ($ $ $ ) (CD 2000000 2000000 )) (NN profit profit ))) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN stockMarket stockmarket ))))))))))) (. . . )) Every (S (NP (NP (DT Every every ) (NN man man )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VP (VBP dabblesIn dabblesin ) (S (NP (DT the the ) (NN market market )) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB make make ) (NP (JJ aLittle alittle ) (NN easyMoney easymoney ) (NN onTheSide ontheside )))))) (CC and and ) (VP (VBZ suffers suffer ) (NP (NNS losses loss ))))))) (VP (MD could could ) (VP (PP (IN at at ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN time time ))) (ADVP (RB hardly hardly )) (VB face face ) (NP (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NN wife wife )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (AUX was was ) (VP (VBG wondering wonder ) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how how )) (S (NP (PRP$ her her ) (NN husband husband )) (VP (MD could could ) (VP (AUX be be ) (ADJP (RB so so ) (JJ dumb dumb ))))))))))))) (. . . )) Investors (S (NP (NNS Investors investor )) (VP (VBD breathed breathe ) (ADVP (RBR more more ) (RB freely freely )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NP (PRP it it )) (VP (AUX was was ) (VP (VBN learned learn ) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (NP (DT this this ) (JJ acrobatic acrobatic ) (NN dancer dancer )) (VP (VP (AUX had had ) (VP (VBN turned turn ) (NP (NN magician magician )))) (CC and and ) (VP (AUX was was ) (ADVP (RB only only )) (VP (VBG doing do ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN bestSeller bestseller ) (NN book book )) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB make make ) (NP (DT some some ) (NN dough dough ))))))))))))))))) (. . . )) People (S (NP (NP (NNS People people )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VBP take take ) (NP (PRP us us )) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (NNS suckers sucker ))))))) (VP (AUX are are ) (PP (IN like like ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNP Westerner westerner )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (AUX had had ) (PP (IN on on ) (NP (NN exhibit exhibit ))) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (JJ superior superior ) (NN marksmanship marksmanship )) (PP (IN in in ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NN form form )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN number number )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (NN bull bull ) (POS ' ' )) (NN sEye seye ) (NNS achievements achievement ))))))))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (NP (DT The the ) (NN promoter promoter )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VBD wanted want ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB sign sign ) (NP (PRP him him )) (PRT (RP up up )) (PP (IN for for ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN circus circus )))))))))) (VP (VBD asked ask ) (NP (PRP him him )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB how how )) (S (NP (PRP he he )) (VP (AUX was was ) (ADJP (JJ able able ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (AUX do do ) (NP (PRP it it )))))))))) (. . . )) His (S (NP (PRP$ His his ) (NN answer answer )) (VP (AUX was was ) (ADJP (JJ simple simple ) (CC but but ) (JJ honest honest ))) (. . . )) He (SINV (S (NP (PRP He he )) (ADVP (RB just just )) (VP (VBD shot shoot ) (PP (IN at at ) (NP (DT the the ) (NN board board ) (NN andThen andthen ))))) (VP (VBD drew draw )) (NP (NP (NNS circles circle )) (PP (IN around around ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS holes hole )) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB form form ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN bull bull ) (POS ' ' )) (NN sEye seye ))))))))) (. . . )) One (NP (NP (NP (CD One one )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (NNS obstacles obstacle )) (PP (TO to to ) (NP (NP (DT the the ) (JJ easy easy ) (NN control control )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (NNP a a ) (CD 2 2 )))))))) (: - - ) (NP (NP (NN year year )) (SBAR (S (NP (JJ old old ) (NN child child )) (VP (AUX is is ) (NP (NP (DT a a ) (NN lack lack )) (PP (IN of of ) (NP (JJ verbal verbal ) (NN communication communication )))))))) (. . . )) The (S (NP (DT The the ) (NN child child )) (VP (VBZ understands understand ) (ADVP (RB no no ))) (. . . )) He (S (NP (PRP He he )) (VP (VBZ senses sense ) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NN mother mother ) (NN disapproval disapproval ))) (. . . )) But (S (CC But but ) (NP (NNS explanations explanation )) (VP (VBP leave leave ) (S (NP (PRP him him )) (ADJP (JJ confused confused ) (CC and and ) (JJ unmoved unmoved )))) (. . . )) If (S (SBAR (IN If if ) (S (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NN mother mother )) (VP (VBZ loves love ) (NP (PRP him him ))))) (, , , ) (NP (PRP he he )) (VP (VBZ clingsTo clingsto ) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (VP (VBP love love ) (PP (IN as as ) (NP (DT a a ) (NN ballast ballast ))))))) (. . . )) It (S (NP (PRP It it )) (VP (VBZ motivates motivate ) (NP (PRP$ his his ) (NN behavior behavior ))) (. . . )) He (S (NP (PRP He he )) (VP (VBZ wants want ) (S (NP (NNP Mommy mommy )) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB think think ) (NP (PRP him him )) (NP (DT a a ) (JJ good good ) (NN boy boy )))))) (. . . )) He (S (NP (PRP He he )) (VP (AUX does does ) (NP (NP (NP (NNP n n ) (POS ' ' )) (NN t t )) (SBAR (S (VP (VBP want want ) (S (NP (PRP her her )) (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VP (VB look look ) (ADVP (RB frowningly frowningly )) (PP (IN at at ) (NP (PRP him him )))) (, , , ) (CC or or ) (VP (VB speakTo speakto ) (NP (PRP him him )) (ADVP (RB angrily angrily ))))))))))) (. . . )) This (S (NP (DT This this )) (VP (VBP breaksHisHeart breakshisheart )) (. . . ))