The (S (NP (NPB (DT The The ) (NN cat cat )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that that )) (S (VP (VBD killed kill ) (NP (NPB (DT the the ) (NN rat rat )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that that )) (S (VP (VBD stole steal ) (NP (NPB (DT the the ) (NN milk milk )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that that )) (S (VP (VBD spilled spill ) (PP (IN on on ) (NPB (DT the the ) (NN floor floor ))) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (VP (VBD was be ) (ADJP (JJ slippery slippery ))))))))))))))))) (VP (VBD escaped escape ) (PUNC. . . ))) Alice (S (S (NPB (NNP Alice Alice )) (VP (VBD was be ) (VP (ADVP (RB just just )) (VBG beginning begin ) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB think think ) (PP (TO to to ) (NPB (PRP herself herself ) (PUNC, , , ) (PUNC`` ‘ ‘ ))))))))) (ADVP (RB Now Now ) (PUNC, , , )) (SBARQ (WHNP (WP what what )) (SQ (VBP am be ) (NPB (PRP I I )) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB do do ) (PP (IN with with ) (NPB (DT this this ) (NN creature creature ))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NPB (PRP I I )) (VP (VBP get get ) (NPB (PRP it it )) (NPB (NN home home ) (PUNC. ? ? ) (PUNC'' ’ ’ )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when when )) (S (NPB (PRP it it )) (VP (VBD grunted grunt ) (ADVP (RB again again ) (PUNC, , , )) (ADVP (RB so so ) (RB violently violently ) (PUNC, , , )) (SBAR (IN that that ) (S (NPB (PRP she she )) (VP (VBD looked look ) (ADVP (RB down down )) (PP (IN into into ) (NPB (PRP$ its its ) (NN face face ))) (PP (IN in in ) (NPB (DT some some ) (NN alarm alarm ) (PUNC. . . )))))))))))))))))) I (S (NPB (PRP I I )) (VP (VBD said say ) (SBAR (S (NPB (PRP I I )) (VP (MD would would ) (VP (VB see see ) (NPB (PRP you you )) (PP (IN on on ) (NPB (NNP Tuesday Tuesday ) (PUNC. . . ))))))))) She (S (NPB (PRP She She )) (VP (VBZ belongs belong ) (PP (TO to to ) (NPB (DT a a ) (NN family family ))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ is be ) (VP (VBG facing face ) (NP (NPB (NN poverty poverty )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ is be ) (NP (NPB (DT a a ) (NN problem problem )) (VP (VBG facing face ) (NPB (NNP India Indium ) (PUNC. . . )))))))))))))) He (S (NPB (PRP He He )) (VP (VBD told tell ) (NPB (PRP us us )) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where where )) (S (VP (TO to to ) (VP (VB go go ) (PUNC. . . ))))))) Sachin (S (NP (NPB (NNP Sachin Sachin )) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who who )) (S (VP (VBZ plays play ) (NP (NPB (NN cricket cricket )) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ is be ) (NP (NPB (DT the the ) (JJS best best ) (NN game game )) (PP (IN of of ) (NPB (NNP India Indium )))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which which )) (S (VP (VBZ is be ) (NPB (DT a a ) (NN country country )) (PP (IN with with ) (NPB (JJ varied varied ) (NN heritage heritage ) (PUNC, , , )))))))))))))) (VP (VBZ likes like ) (VP (VBG playing play ) (NPB (NN tennis tennis ) (PUNC. . . )))))