CS 748: Project Report and Final Presentation

The main deliverable from your project is a report. In your submission, you must include supplementary material such as the code you have written and the data you have collected. We may examine such material as we verify your claims. However, the project will be evaluated solely based on the report and an accompanying presentation. Do not postpone the writing to the very end: keep adding material as and when it is generated, and set aside the last few days before the deadline exclusively for the writing.

Make sure the report lists the names and roll numbers of all the members of your team. Also make sure that at least one team member uploads the report to Moodle by the submission deadline. If we receive multiple submissions from the same team, we will pick any one of the submissions for evaluation.

Your report must adhere to the principles of scientific writing. (1) Begin with an introduction that provides the context for your work, highlights the novelty of the investigation you have undertaken, and summarises the main findings and results. (2) Discuss related work from the literature; make sure your citations are all in standard format (see templates below). (3) Formally describe the problem you are solving, and then (4) describe the technical parts of your solution (for example, an algorithm you implemented). (5) Present your results, accompanied by a discussion of their significance. Good scientific papers provide enough details for the work to be reproduced. Hence, provide full details: parameter settings, libraries used for coding, etc. If there is too much clutter, you may consider moving some details to appendices. (6) Conclude the report with a high-level discussion of your project, identifying possibilities for future investigation. Check language and spelling. Acknowledge any help you may have received from colleagues.

Your project will be evaluated for novelty, significance, technical soundness, clarity, scholarship, and presentation. Although it is not mandatory, it is recommended that you adopt a template used for submitting a paper to conference such as AAAI, ICML, or NeurIPS. Go through a few papers from previous years' proceedings to get a sense of how to present your work. It will also be a good idea for you to stick to the prescribed page limit for conference papers (usually 6-8 pages). You are welcome to reuse portions from your project proposal.

Compile your report into a single pdf file called report.pdf, and place it in a directory called submission that also contains all the relevant code and data. Compress the directory into submission.tar.gz and submit it to Moodle by 11.55 p.m., Friday, April 28. Your submission will not be evaluated (and will be given a score of zero) if it is not received by the deadline.

The second deliverable from your project is a recorded video presentation. The presentation must describe your problem clearly to the viewer, argue why it is significant, present related approaches against which you outline your own contributions, evaluate your contribution empirically and/or theoretically, and conclude with a summary and outlook. It is due for submission 11.55 p.m., Saturday, April 29. Your submission will not be evaluated (and will be given a score of zero) if it is not received by the deadline. Upload the video to the cloud and send the instructor the link by e-mail (one per team sufficient). You do not have to submit anything on Moodle. Your presentation must be for about 10 minutes (okay to go up to 15 minutes). Record/encode your video so it does not exceed 100 MB.

Your final report, as well as presentation, will be shared with all the students of the class. The report will be evaluated for 30 marks, and the presentation for 10 marks.