C file location =============== YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/apps/flcli/main.c VHDL file locations =================== The entity declaration for the swled module is available in the file YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/templates/harness.vhdl The architecture for the swled module is available in the file YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/cksum/vhdl/cksum_rtl.vhdl You may also want to inspect the top level VHDL module that is actually mapped down to your FPGA board in the file YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/templates/fx2all/vhdl/top level.vhdl Note that this instantiates the swled module and also another module called comm fpga fx2. The module comm fpga fx2 is responsible for implementing the actual interface between the Digiltent Atlys board and the host computer using the on-board Cypress FX2LP USB interface micro-controller. While it is not necessary for you to peek into the details of comm fpga fx2 for purposes of this lab, the VHDL source for this at YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/libs/makestuff/comm-fpga/fx2/vhdl/comm_fpga fx2.vhdl Similarly, the constraints file (that defines which signal is mapped to which switch, LED, pin etc. on the actual Atlys board) for your design is available at YourFPGALinkInstallDir/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/templates/fx2all/boards/atlys/board.ucf