CS615 Projects: Autumn 2017

Project Policy

Students are required to do their project work in groups of size 2; in exceptional circumstances, groups of size 3 may be allowed.
Each student group is required to do the following as part of their project:

Each project will be evaluated separately based on a project report to be submitted prior to end-semester exams, and a live demonstration of the project.

The project necessarily involves implementing your chosen abstract domain in CAnalyzer. For this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the documentation and README files available here. The site is password protected. Please check moodle for login credentials.

The project evaluation schedule is as given below. During each of these evaluations, students must meet the instructor/TA and explain their project, and also give a demonstration of the project, if asked for.
Deliverables Date Where
Code and properties to be analyzed; abstract domain to be used; plan of implementation in CAnalyzer; a brief report Oct 27 Moodle
Final report; demonstration of working of abstract domain in CAnalyzer, using CAnalyzer with your domain to demonstrate property verification Nov 24 CFDVS Lab