Problem-statement ----------------- Extend file by writing machine descriptions for left shift and subtract. Procedure --------- 1) Study addsi3 RTL pattern. The pattern of shift instruction is similar to addsi3. 2) Write a new RTL pattern using define_insn with the name ashlsi3 that follows the structure of the pattern for addsi3. Use the RTL operator `ashift' in place of `plus' and modify the predicates appropriately (if required). The assembly instruction format for left shift is given below. SLL: Shift left logical (Shifts a register value left by the shift amount listed in the instruction and places the result in a third register. Zeroes are shifted in.) Syntax: sll reg1, reg2, const Semantics: reg1 = reg2 << const SLLV: Shift left logical variable (Shifts a register value left by the value in a second register and places the result in a third register. Zeroes are shifted in.) Syntax: sllv reg1, reg2, reg3 Semantics: reg1 = reg2 << reg3 3) Write a new RTL pattern using define_insn with the name subsi3 that follows the structure of the pattern for addsi3. Use the RTL operator `minus' in place of `plus' and modify the predicates appropriately (if required). The assembly format for subtract is given below. SUB: Subtracts two registers and stores the result in a register Syntax: sub reg1, reg2, reg3 Semantics: reg1 = reg2 - reg3 4) Build cc1 and compile the program given below. int main() { int a; int b = a<<2; a = b-a; return 0; } The expected assembly output is as follows .text .align 2 .globl main main: sw $ra, 0($sp) sw $sp, -4($sp) sw $fp, -8($sp) move $fp, $sp addi $sp, $fp, -36 lw $v0, -12($fp) sll $v0, $v0, 2 sw $v0, -8($fp) lw $a0, -8($fp) lw $v0, -12($fp) sub $v0, $a0, $v0 sw $v0, -12($fp) move $v0, $zero move $sp, $fp lw $fp, -8($sp) lw $ra, 0($sp) jr $ra