ctags Utility ============= How to navigate over source objects in Vi Editor? ------------------------------------------------- ] Go to the definition of the source object on which the cursor is currently positioned t Return to the location from where the above keystrokes ( ]) were used :tnext This command is useful when there are multiple matches for a source object Go to the next definition of the last navigated source object :tprev This command is useful when there are multiple matches for a source object Go to the previous definition of the last navigated source object ctags Options ------------- --list-languages Lists the languages supported by ctags --list-kinds= Lists the kinds of objects (e.g. classes, variables, unions) in the language LANG that are included in the ctags index file For example, '--list-kinds=c' lists the kinds of C language objects included in ctags index file ---kinds=[+|-] Include or exclude the KINDS of objects supported by the language LANG For example, '--c-kinds=+l' includes 'local variables' in the ctags index file. By default these are disabled Help ---- man ctags