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$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];   // Try the following line if the ip is blank after this // $ip=@$REMOTE_ADDR; $regs = array(); // Enter suitable ip addr pattern below. The following code block executes only if // the ip addr starts with 10.12 if(!ereg("(^$)",$ip,$regs)) { echo "<hr>"; echo "<center><A href=''>Internal Links</A></center>";   // echo "<center><font size =2><b>INTERNAL LINKS</b></font></center>"; // echo "<hr>"; // Create a html file with the desired internal links. // Here I assume that it is called internal_links.html //echo "<iframe frameborder=0 src='internalLink.html'></iframe>"; // echo "<ul><LI><A href=''>Lab Work Archive</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Lab Hours and Weekly Schedule</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Equipment</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Login Creation Request</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Mailing List Archive</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Wiki FAQ</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>VIGIL FAQ</A></LI>"; // echo "<LI><A href=''>Useful Numbers</A></LI></ul>"; } // Use the following line for debugging the ip addr