IT 530, Image Representation and Analysis

Course Instructor: Ajit Rajwade (FirstName UNDERSCORE LastName AT daiict DOT ac DOT in)
Term: Autumn 2012
Lecture Location: CEP 104
Lecture Timings: 11:00 to 11:55 am, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Office Location: Faculty Block 1, Room 1201


The course syllabus (tentative) is described here (.pdf). This is an M-Tech semester 3 elective. It is open to PhD students. Some background in pattern recognition and image processing is expected.

Grading Scheme

The in-class presentation will involve discussion of two-three papers assigned to students on first come first served basis. The students may choose other interesting papers related to the course material in consultation with the instructor. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions during the presentation and engage in informal discussion.

General Readings/Reference Books

Student Presentations

Click here for a list of papers and general instructions. Student presentation schedule

Lecture Schedule:

Date Content of the Lecture Assignments/Exams
24th July (Tue)
25th July (Wed)
27th July (Fri)
31st July (Tue)
1st Aug (Wed)
3rd Aug (Fri)
  • Read (only) section 2 of this paper to see the statement of Donoho and Johnstone's result that we discussed in class (slides 13 and 14 of the lecture ppt)
7th Aug (Tue)
8th Aug (Wed)
  • Introduction to Principal Components Analysis (PCA): notes here (pages 115 to 117 from "Pattern Classification" by Duda and Hart - 2nd edition)
  • PCA of natural images (see also section 5.8.2 of this book)
  • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): Basic Concepts
14th Aug (Tue)
  • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [continued]: Applications: Eckhart-Young theorem (low-rank matrix approximation), solutions to equations of the form Ax = 0, nearest orthogonal matrix, SVD in the form of weighted sums of outer-products of unit vectors.
  • Basic information theory: discrete(Shannon) entropy, distributions that maximize/minimize entropy, joint entropy, conditional entropy, chain rule
17th Aug (Fri)
  • Basic information theory (continued): relative entropy (KL divergence), mutual information, mutual information as a KL divergence, convex and concave functions, Jensen's inequality and proof of Jensen's inequality.
21st Aug (Tue)
  • Basic information theory (continued): proof of non-negativity of KL-divergence (hence mutual information).
  • Independent Components Analysis: introduction
22nd Aug (Wed)
  • Independent Components Analysis: introduction - continued: ICA and non-Gaussianity, differential entropy, applications of ICA in grayscale and color image denoising.
  • Applications of information theory (joint entropy and mutual information) in image registration
24th Aug (Fri)
  • Applications of information theory (joint entropy and mutual information) in image registration
  • Proofs using calculus of variations: (1) the Gaussian density maximizes the differential entropy amongst all densities with a fixed mean and fixed variance, (2) A KL divergence of zero implies that the two probability densities are equal.
28th Aug (Tue)
  • Discussion/recap of assignment 1.
29th Aug (Wed)
4th Sept (Tue)
5th Sept (Wed) Non-local self-similarity continued:
7th Sept (Fri)
  • Overcomplete dictionaries: concept and motivation, algorithms for projection onto overcomplete dictionaries, NP-hardness of this problem and approximation methods - basis pursuit (BP), matching pursuit (MP) and orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP).
11th Sept (Tue)
  • Overcomplete dictionaries: approximation methods continued - basis pursuit (BP), matching pursuit (MP) and orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP); dictionary learning: comparison with K-means, method of Olshausen and Field (using gradient descent) and its applications to natural image statistics, method of optimal directions by Engan et al.
12th Sept (Tue)
14th Sept (Fri)
  • Overcomplete dictionaries: KSVD algorithm, applications of KSVD in dictionary learning based denoising and inpainting; Learning of overcomplete bases that are represented as a union of orthonormal bases - associated derivation of orthonormal procrustes problem.
18th Sept (Tue)
  • Discussion of assignment 2 and presentations.
19th Sept (Wed)
  • Applications of overcomplete dictionary representations for (1) texture classification/segmentation, and (2) detection of distinctive (small-sized) patches for object detection in cluttered backgrounds.
25th Sept (Tue)
  • Compressive Sensing: Shannon's theorem, Whittaker-Shannon interpolation formula and comparison to polynomial interpolation, Compressive sensing: big picture, Main requirements for compressive sensing: signal sparsity and incoherence of measurement matrix, L1 norm based optimization, first theorem for compressive sensing: exact reconstruction with overwhelming probability
26th Sept (Wed)
  • Compressive sensing (continued): Discussion of the first theorem and its comparison to Shannon's sampling theorem, Restricted isometry property (RIP), RIP for random matrices, Compressive sensing for signals that are not sparse but compressible (theorem 2), Compressive sensing under noise (theorem 3).
28th Sept (Fri)
  • Compressive sensing continued: Recap of theorems 1,2 and 3; Benefits of L1-norm optimization as opposed to L2-norm optimization in compressive sensing; toy imaging example: illustration of the superiority of random selection of DCT coefficients over just lower frequency coefficients; Compressive sensing for piecewise flat images (Total variation based optimization) - theorem 4 and its relationship with theorem 1; very brief enumeration of some extensions of basic compressive sensing theory: blind compressive sensing, compressive sensing for overcomplete bases, compressive sensing for systems with errors in measurement matrices.
3rd Oct (Wed)
  • Compressive imaging systems: Description of Rice Single Pixel Camera and associated reconstruction algorithm, extension to video acquisition; Compressive hyperspectral imaging system: coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI) - description of hardware setup.
5th Oct (Fri)
  • Compressive imaging systems (continued): Compressive hyperspectral imaging system: coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI) - description of hardware setup; multi-frame version of CASSI; reconstruction algorithm for obtaining hyperspectral datacube from 2D snapshot(s); discussion of results
  • Compressive video acquisition (full-frame mode): discussion of space-time tradeoff in video cameras, acquisition of coded exposure snapshots in a video camera, description of hardware setup for the acquisition.
9th Oct (Tue)
  • Compressive video acquisition: discussion of hardware: structure of binary codes, description of dictionary learning procedure and sparse coding method for reconstruction of video from the coded snapshots, difference between the full-frame compresive video acquisition and the Single Pixel Camera based video acquisition; emphasis on the need for random codes (as generated by the LCoS device of the full-frame video-camera or the mask-code in CASSI) for good reconstruction performance.
  • Matrix completion: Motivating problems - customer surveys, the Netflix prize problem, filling in missing pixels in images and videos, incomplete trajectories in structure from motion and multi-frame point correspondences.
10th Oct (Wed)
  • Matrix completion: conditions of low-rank and incoherence with canonical basis for accurate matrix reconstruction starting from a matrix with missing entries, related theorems, matrix completion under noise; singular value thresholding for matrix completion (with and without noise), brief look at some results.
12th Oct (Fri)
  • Matrix Completion: - application of matrix completion to image/video denoising under Gaussian and impulse noise.
  • Robust Principal Components Analysis: applications involving decomposition of a matrix into sparse and low rank components - facial images under varied lighting, tracking of moving foreground in videos with stationary background; key theorem of robust PCA; relation with matrix completion literature; robust PCA under noise; overview of results.