NetQ: February 04/05 2006

Question & Discuss,
  Learn & Enthuse,
    Pester & Irritate,
      Relax & Eat-a-samosa,
        Compete & Get-an-Ice-Cream-Treat


A series of 30-minute presentations by your colleagues (Masters/Dual-Degree students) on their thesis topics. You are to come and ask intriguing and/or irritating technical questions on their topics. You can ask questions about the background, the methodology, the thesis's expected contribution, the progress so far, or the proposed plan for completing the thesis.


Questioning is the basis of all learning, for the questioner as well as the questioned. Posing some good questions at this stage of the thesis is going to help the students direct their efforts better to complete the work.


All who participate will get tea/samosa. (Please reply to me by email to let me know that you will be coming so that I can have a good estimate). You are welcome to come for as short as 10-15 minutes. Questioning and discussion are the key. Every time you ask an interesting question, you SCORE. Up to TEN such top questioners will get an ICE-CREAM treat that night (or whenever you wish).


04 Feb 2006, 4:00-6:30pm, CS10X
05 Feb 2006, 4:00-6:30pm, CS10X


Bhaskaran Raman
Last modified: Fri Feb 3 19:48:13 IST 2006