Sorting and Searching

Applications of Arrays

     one of the most common problems


   arrange a set of numbers or character strings in ascending order


   given a number or string, is it contained in the set?

     telephone directory


     array marks contains marks of students

     arrange them in non-decreasing order

     once arranged, many questions can be answered easily

   find the top 10 marks

   find the median marks

   how many students have marks = m

   find the mode ( the most frequent marks)

Simple Sorting Algorithm

     find the smallest number

     put it in the first position

     from remaining numbers find the smallest

     put it in the second position

     repeatedly fill in a position in the sorted array by finding smallest remaining number

     repetitions have to be done n-1 times

     called selection sort

Selection Sort

do i = 1, n-1

min_pos = i

do j = i+1, n

if (marks(j) < marks(min_pos))  min_pos = j

end do 

! min_pos is index of minimum in marks(i:n)

temp = marks(i)

marks(i) = marks(min_pos)

marks(min_pos) = temp

end do


Loop Invariants

     write loop invariants for selection sort

     outer loop

   marks(1:i-1) is in non-decreasing order

   marks(k) >= marks(i-1) for all i<=k<=n

     inner loop

   marks(min_pos) <= marks(k) for all i<=k<=j-1

     together they imply that after n-1 outer iterations, the array is sorted

Selection Sort

     not very efficient

     for sorting n values, number of operations is proportional to n2

     the number is insensitive to the input

   same number of operations required even if the input is already sorted

     very simple

     no extra array required

     movement of data is minimum possible

Bubble Sort

     selection sort is based on ensuring that a(i) <= a(j) for all 1 <= i < j <= n

     a weaker condition is sufficient for sorting

   a(i) <= a(i+1) for 1 <= i < n

     bubble sort based on ensuring this

     compare adjacent numbers and swap if larger number occurs before the smaller

     repeat till no swaps are possible


Bubble Sort

limit = n ! limit indicates section of array to be sorted


if (limit <= 1) exit

last_swap = 0           ! rightmost position of swap

do i = 1,  limit-1

if (a(i) > a(i+1)) then

temp =a(i) ; a(i) = a(i+1) ; a(i+1) = temp; last_swap = i


end do

limit = last_swap

end do

Bubble Sort

     in the worst case bubble sort can still require n2 operations – when?

     better in some cases like already sorted input

     what is a loop invariant for bubble sort?

     a(1:limit) is the section still to be sorted

     a(limit+1:n) is already sorted

     a(i) <= a(limit+1) for 1 <= i <= limit



     how many students have scored m marks?

     marks stored in an array

     if array is unsorted value of every element would have to be checked

     can do better if it is sorted

     how? – use binary search

     find indices i, j such that a(i-1) < m <= a(i) and a(j-1) <= m < a(j), j-i is the answer

Binary Search

     search for index i such that a(i-1)<m<=a(i)

     initially, possible values of i are from 1 to n+1

     compare with a((n+1)/2) ( middle element)

     if a((n+1)/2) < m then required i > (n+1)/2 else required i <= (n+1)/2

     possible values of i have been halved

     repeat for appropriate interval of values

     after log2 n + 1 comparisons, i is found

Binary Search

left = 1; right = n+1

! left and right are endpoints of interval containing i


if ( left == right ) exit

if marks((left+right)/2) < m) then

left = (left+right)/2+1


right = (left+right)/2


end do


Binary Search

     loop invariant for binary search

     marks(1:left-1) < m

     marks(right:n) >= m

     when left == right, required i = left =right

     in each iteration, right-left is halved

     number of iterations is at most log2 n + 1

     same method can be used for many other problems

Faster Sorting Algorithms

     there are sorting algorithms which take less time than selection or bubble sort

     many different sorting algorithms are known

     merge sort

   divide numbers to be sorted into two parts

   sort each part using the same method

   merge the two sorted sequences into a single sorted sequence


     sorting and searching are basic tasks

     many sorting algorithms

   selection sort

   bubble sort

   merge sort ( details later)

     binary search

   needs sorted arrays

   faster than simple search