Generating Permutations

Applications of Arrays


     a permutation of n is a one-to-one and onto function from {1,2,…,n} to itself

     permutation p is represented by writing values of p(1) p(2) …… p(n) in sequence

     3 1 6 5 4 2 is a permutation of 6

     represented naturally using an array

     arise in many contexts

     how many different permutations of n?

Traveling Salesman Problem

     input is a set of n cities and distance between every pair of cities

     output is a tour of the cities visiting each city exactly once

     many tours are possible – how many?

     find one for which total distance traveled  is minimized

     no efficient method known for this!

Generating Permutations

     every possible tour represented by a permutation of the cities

     cities listed in the order they are visited

     suggests a simple algorithm

   list all permutations

   find distance traveled for each

   take the minimum of these

     very time consuming algorithm

Lexicographic Order

     any listing of permutations defines an ordering of the permutations

     list using some natural order

     lexicographic order

     permutation p is listed before q iff there is an i such that

   p(j) = q(j) for 1 <= j < i, and

   p(i) < q(i)

     similar to ordering for character strings

     1 2 3, 1 3 2, 2 1 3, 2 3 1, 3 1 2, 3 2 1

     first permutation is the identity 1 2 ….. n

     given a permutation how to generate next?

     intuitive idea

   keep initial part the same as far as possible

   increase the next number by minimum possible

   remaining numbers in increasing order


     6 3 5 1 9 2 8 7 4  is a permutation of 9

     what is the next in lexicographic order?

     if 6 3 5 1 9 2  is fixed next number cannot be increased

     a number can be increased only if it has a larger number to its right

     6 3 5 1 9 is fixed

     increase 2 to 4

     arrange remaining numbers as 2 7 8


a(1:n) = (/(i,i=1,n)/)


print *, a(1:n)

do j = n-1, 1, -1

if (a(j) < a(j+1)) exit

end do

if ( j == 0) exit             ! loop variable used outside

do k = n, j+1, -1

if (a(k) > a(j)) exit

end do

! a(j) is the rightmost number having a number greater

! than itself to its right

! a(k) is the smallest number > a(j) to its right

! exchange a(k) and a(j) and reverse a(j+1:n)

temp = a(k)

a(k) = a(j)

a(j) = temp

a(j+1:n) = a(n:j+1:-1) ! section in reverse order

end do

Loop Invariant

     at beginning of ith iteration, a(1:n) contains ith permutation in lexicographic order

     p be permutation at start of ith iteration

     q be permutation at start of (i+1)th iteration

     show that there is no r such that p < r < q in lexicographic order

     suppose there is an r, p <= r <= q

     p(i) = q(i), implies p(i) = r(i) for 1 <= i < j

     if p(j) < r(j) then r(j) = q(j), since q(j) is the smallest number > p(j) to its right

     thus, either r(j) = p(j) or r(j) = q(j)

     p(j+1:n) is a decreasing sequence

     q(j+1:n) is an increasing sequence

     p(j) = r(j) and p <= r implies p = r

     r(j) = q(j) and r <= q implies r = q

     thus either p = r or r = q

Rank and Unrank Functions

     rank of a permutation is the number of permutations < than it in lexicographic order

     consider a permutation p(1) p(2)……p(n)

     if q(1) < p(1), q < p

     there are (p(1)-1)(n-1)! such permutations

     if q(1) = p(1) and q(2) < p(2), q < p

     there are either  (p(2)-1)(n-2)! or

   (p(2)-2))(n-2)! permutations of this type

Rank Function

     in general, for permutation p(1) ……. p(n)

     rank =  d(1)(n-1)! + d(2)(n-2)! + ……

   d(i) is the number of p(j), j > i, p(j) < p(i)

     consider the permutation n n-1 n-2 …… 1

     rank = n!-1

     d(i) = i-1

     n!-1 = (n-1)(n-1)!+(n-2)(n-2)!+…….1(1!)

     ranking functions used to prove identities

Computing the Rank

rank = 0

fact = 1

do i = n-1, 1, -1

fact = fact*(n-i)

d = count(a(i+1:n) < a(i))

rank = rank + fact*d

end do

! count is an intrinsic function which counts number of

! true values in a logical array


Unrank Function

     given a number r, find the permutation of n whose rank is r

     0 <= r <= n!-1

     any such r can be written uniquely as

     r = d(1)(n-1)! + d(2)(n-2)!+ ……+d(n).0! such that 0 <= d(i) <= n-i

     d(1) = r/(n-1)!

     remaining terms have sum at most (n-1)!-1

Computing Unrank Function

fact = 1

do i = 2, n-1

fact = fact*i 

end do

do i = 1, n-1            !  compute d values first

d(i) = r/fact         !  integer division

r = r – fact*d(i)

fact = fact/(n-i)

end do

d(n) = 0

do i = n, 1, -1

a(i) = d(i) + 1

where(a(i+1:n) >= a(i)) a(i+1:n) = a(i+1:n)+1

end do

! computes the permutation iteratively

! a(i:n) is a permutation p’ of n-i+1 such that a(j) has

! exactly d(j) numbers < than it to its right, i<=j<=n

! a(1:n) is the required permutation

! separate d array is not required, use a itself


Other Listings

     other orders of listing may be more useful

     listing by minimal change

   next permutation obtained by swapping two consecutive numbers

   useful for computing distances in TSP

     more efficient rank and unrank functions

   useful for generating random permutations

     similar listings possible for other objects


     permutations are basic combinatorial objects

     listing of all permutations is useful

     listing in lexicographic order

     rank and unrank functions

     useful for generating random permutations

     other orders for listing possible

     other combinatorial objects may be similarly listed