
Multidimensional Arrays


•     arrays can have more than one dimension

integer, dimension(10,10) :: a

•     defines a 2-dimensional integer array a with 100 elements

•     matrix with 10 rows and 10 columns

•     element of array a is accessed by specifying two indices

•     a(i,j) is the element of array a in the ith row and jth column, 1 <= i,j <= 10

Bounds on Indices

•     separate lower and upper bounds may be specified for each dimension

integer, dimension(-10:10,0:19,51:100) :: a

•     defines a three dimensional array a

•     the first index varies from –10 to 10, second from 0 to 19 and third from 51 to 100

•     total number of elements 21*20*50 = 21000

•     Fortran allows arrays with up to 7 dimensions


•     rank is the number of dimensions

•     size is the total number of elements

•     bounds in a particular dimension specify the range of valid index values in that dimension

•     extent in a particular dimension is the number of valid index values in that dimension

•     shape is a one dimensional array of extents

•     type of an array is the type of its elements


integer, dimension(-10:10,0:19,51:100) :: a

integer, dimension(0:20,-19:0,50) :: b

•     rank of a = 3 and size = 21000

•     bounds in dimension 1 are –10 (lower) and 10

•     shape of a = (/21,20,50/) = shape of b

•     arrays with same shape are said to conform

•     conforming arrays can be used in expressions

•     a = b  is a valid assignment statement

Element Ordering

•     matrix elements are conceptually ordered in column wise  order

•     need not be physically stored in that order

integer, dimension(2,2,2) :: a  

•       a1,1,1 a2,1,1 a1,2,1 a2,2,1 a1,1,2 a2,1,2 a1,2,2 a2,2,2

•     first index varies most frequently, then second.. 

•     important for initialization and i/o of arrays

•     index values used to directly access element


Reading Arrays

•     arrays can be read in one element at a time

integer, dimension(10,10,10) :: a

do k = 1,10 ; do j = 1, 10 ; do i = 1,10

read *, a(i,j,k)           ! separate read for each element

end do; end do; end do 

•     short notation for this using implied do

read *, (((a(i,j,k),i=1,10),j=1,10),k=1,10)  ! or

read *, a

•     all elements read from one line with one read

Array Assignment

•     individual elements can be assigned values

•     a conforming array may be assigned

–   values assigned to corresponding variables

•     scalar expression assigned to entire array

•     operations on elements extended to array

•     arithmetic operations applied to entire array

•     operations for corresponding elements done in “parallel” ( matrix addition)

Array Sections

•     array sections defined as for rank 1 arrays

•     section defined separately for each dimension

•     index may be specified for some dimensions

•     rank of section <= rank of array

•     sections may be used in array operations

integer, dimension(10,10,10) :: a

•     a(3, :5, 2::2) is an array with shape (/5,5/)

a(3,1,2) a(3,2,2)….a(3,5,2) a(3,1,4)….a(3,5,10)

Examples of Sections

•      assign colors to chessboard

integer, dimension(8,8) :: chessboard

chessboard( : :2, : :2) = 1 ! 1 for white

! white color for squares with two odd indices

chessboard(2: :2, 2: :2) = 1

! white color if both indices even

chessboard( : : 2, 2: :2) = 2 ! 2 for black

! black if first index is odd and second is even

chessboard(2: : 2, : :2) = 2

! black if first index is even and second odd

Array Initialization

•     arrays may be initialized in declaration

•     reshape function defines array constants

integer, dimension(2,2) :: a  =                            &

reshape ( (/ 1, 2, 3, 4 /) , (/ 2, 2 /) )

! assigns a(1,1) = 1, a(2,1) = 2, a(1,2) = 3, a(2,2) = 4

•     reshape function creates an array of desired shape from another array of same size

•     required shape is second parameter

•     default element ordering used


Allocatable Arrays

•     many times required array size is not known to the programmer

•     number of students in a course may vary

•     be conservative and declare a “large” array

•     leads to waste of memory locations

•     if user needs a larger array, program would have to be recompiled

•     Fortran 90 allows user to choose array size

•     main new features of Fortran 90

Allocatable Arrays

•     array may be given the allocatable attribute

integer,dimension( : ),allocatable :: a

integer,dimension( : , : ),allocatable :: b

•     declares a to be a rank 1 integer array

•     b is a rank 2 integer array

•     only the rank and type of array is declared

•     index bounds are not specified

•     compiler does not allocate memory

•     array does not actually “exist”

•     allocatable arrays created during execution

•     can slow down execution considerably

allocate(a(n), stat = i)

! i and n must be integer variables, n must have a value

•     creates a rank 1 array with size = value of n

•     stat indicates success of allocation

•     i is set to 0 if successful and /= 0 otherwise

•     value of i must be checked before proceeding

allocate(b(-10:10,51:100), stat = i)

•     bounds on indices may be specified for each dimension (may be variables or constants)

•     array with allocatable attribute cannot be used unless it has been allocated

•     an allocated array may be deallocated

deallocate(a, stat = i)

•     maybe allocated again with different size

•     always decallocate arrays after using them


Array Intrinsic Functions

•     Fortran 90 has many array intrinsic functions

•     elemental, inquiry, transformational functions

•     elemental functions operate on individual elements separately

–   sqrt(a), abs(a), sin(a),.. (a is a real array)

–   result is an array of the same shape

–   values of elements are changed



Array Intrinsic Functions

•     inquiry functions give properties of the array

–   size(a), shape(a), lbound(a), ubound(a)

–   allocated(a)

•     shape, lbound, ubound return a rank 1 array containing the shape, lower and upper bounds of array a respectively

•     lbound(a,dim=1), size(a,dim=1) give lower bound and extent in dimension 1 respectively

•     allocated(a) is .true. if a is allocated


Array Intrinsic Functions

•     transformational functions work on entire array and may compute scalars or arrays of different shapes

–   sum, dot_product, reshape, count, matmul, maxloc, minloc

•     maxloc(a) gives location of maximum value in integer/real array a as a rank 1 array

•     arrays computed by functions and array sections cannot be indexed, must be used in whole array operations

Linear Systems of Equations

•     most commonly occurring problem, the original motivation for matrices

•     solve a system of n equations in n variables

a11x1 + a12x2 + ……  + a1nxn  =  b1

a12x2 + a22x2 + ……  + a2nxn  =  b2


an1x1 + an2x2 + ……  + annxn  =  bn

•     ai’s are all real numbers

Gaussian Elimination

•     choose any equation and any variable with non zero coefficient ( called pivot) in the equation

•     eliminate this variable from all other equations by adding a multiple of chosen equation

•     repeat with remaining equations

•     solve one equation in one variable

•     back substitute value of variable to find others

•     two steps, elimination and back substitution


program linear

implicit none

real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: a

integer :: n, i, j

real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x

print *, "enter number of variables"

read *, n

allocate(x(n), stat=i)

if ( i /= 0) then

print *, "allocation of x failed"



allocate(a(n,n+1), stat=i)

if ( i /= 0) then

print *, "allocation of array a failed"



do i = 1,n

print *, "enter coefficients of equation", i

read  *, a(i, 1:n+1)

end do

do i = 1,n

a(i, i:n+1) = a(i,i:n+1)/a(i,i)

! make coefficient of x_i 1.0

do j = i+1,n

a(j,i:n+1) = a(j,i:n+1) - a(i,i:n+1)*a(j,i)

end do ! eliminate x_i

end do

do i = n, 1, -1

x(i) = a(i,n+1) - sum(a(i,i+1:n)*x(i+1:n))

end do ! sum of a null array is 0.0

print *, "solution is"

print *, x(1:n)

deallocate(a, x, stat=i)

if ( i /= 0) then

print *, "deallocation failed"



end program linear


•     a(1:n+1,1:n+1) contains the coefficients, x(1:n) the computed values of variables

•     assumes a(i,i) /= 0.0 at every step

•     true for many special types of matrices

•     numerical problems if abs(a(i,i)) is too small

•     elimination needs to be done only once for different right hand sides

•     only back substitution needs to be done

•       reduces operations from n3  to n2


•     swap rows and columns to make a(i,i) large

•     partial pivoting - swap row i with row containing maxval(abs(a(i:n,i)))

–   what if it is 0.0?

•     complete pivoting- swap row and column to make a(i,i) = maxval(abs(a(i:n,i:n)))

–   what if it is still 0.0?

–   this changes order of the variables

•     gives more accurate results but more time


LU Factorization

•     a(i,i) = 1.0 after elimination, instead store value used to divide ith row in elimination

•     a(i,j) = 0.0 for j < i, instead store the multiple of ith row subtracted from jth row during elimination

•     all required multipliers stored in array a

•     matrix a is written as a product of an upper and lower triangular matrix

•     a permutation used to keep track of pivoting