Conditional Construct

Program Examples

Quadratic Equation

     finding roots of a quadratic equation

ax2 + bx + c = 0

     can have

   exactly one root

   two distinct real roots

   two complex conjugate roots

     type of roots depend on the discriminant


Quadratic Equation

program quadratic

implicit none

real :: a, b, c, disc, x_r, x_r1, x_r2, x_im1, x_im2

real, parameter :: eps = 1.0e-6

print *, “type values of a, b, c”

read *, a, b, c

if (a == 0.0) then

! a is 0, not a quadratic equation

print *, “equation is not quadratic”


disc = b*b – 4.0*a*c

x_r = -b/(2.0*a)

if ( abs(disc) < eps ) then

! discriminant is nearly zero

print *, “double real root”, x_r

elseif ( disc > 0 ) then

! two distinct real roots

disc = sqrt(disc)/(2.0*a)

x_r1 = x_r + disc ! disc used as temporary variable

x_r2 = x_r - disc

print *, “two real roots”, x_r1, “   and”, x_r2


!  disc is negative, complex conjugate roots

x_im1 = sqrt(-disc)/(2.0*a)

x_im2 = - x_im1

print *, “complex conjugate roots”, x_r, “+”, &

x_im1, “i  and”, x_r, “-”, x_im2, “i”



end program quadratic

Comparing Real Numbers

     instead of disc == 0.0  we have checked abs(disc) < eps as condition for double root

     misleading results occur otherwise

0.1x2 - 0.3 x + 0.225 = 0

     has 1.5 as double root

     errors in representation give disc > 0.0

     roots obtained are 1.5004526 and   1.4995474


Comparing Real Numbers

     double roots undesirable in many applications

     two roots ‘close’ to each other may be treated as double

     if abs(disc) is ‘small’ roots are close

     a parameter eps (epsilon) is usually used for comparing reals

     two reals are treated as ‘equal’ if absolute value of difference is < eps

Quadratic Equations

     numerical problems in solving quadratic equations by this method

     if two roots differ by orders of magnitude, smaller root cannot be found accurately

x2 – 1000.001x + 1.0 = 0

     two real roots   1.0000000e+03     and   1.0070801e-03

     what happens if actual roots are 1.0e+4 and 1.0e-4 ( run program and see)

Case Construct

     simplified form of the if - then - elseif - else construct

     useful when all conditions depend on the value of the same variable/expression

     different statements executed based on the value of the variable/expression

     variable/expression must be of integer type

   character type is also allowed( see later)

     typically used with integer/character  “codes”

Case Construct

select case(i) ! i may be an integer expression





case default


end select

Case Construct

     value of variable/expression is compared with the list_of_values in each case statement

     the statements after the case statement which matches value of variable are executed till the next case or end select statement

     if value does not match any case, statements following case default are executed

     case default is optional but should be last

     statement after end select is executed next

Case Construct

     ranges of values may be given

     a range is specified as

   (i : j), all values k such that i <= k <=j

   (: j) , all k <= j

   (i :) , all k >= i

     i, j must be integer constants

     ranges and values for different cases must be disjoint



Example of Case Construct

      days in a month

select case(month)

! month is an integer variable


! if value of month is either 1,3,5,7,8,10 or 12 then

days = 31


! elseif value is either 4,6,9,11

    days = 30


! elseif month has value 2

if (leap_year) then ! leap_year is a logical variable

days = 29


days = 28


case default ! else

print * , “error in month”

end select

Using Integer Codes

     many times a program is required to perform multiple tasks

     choice of task is left to the user

     a “menu” of possible tasks is given to user

     each task is “encoded” by an integer

     user inputs an integer to decide the task

     further choice of subtasks within a task

     case constructs can also be nested


     a simple example

     two integers are read

     either an arithmetic or relational operation is performed on them

     there is a further choice of type of arithmetic or relational operation

     assign integer codes to each operation

     user determines the operation to be performed


program illustrate_case

implicit none

integer :: n, m, type_of_op, op

print *, “type values of n,m”

read *, n, m

print *, “enter type of operation”

print *, “1 for arithmetic”

print *, “2 for relational”

read *, type_of_op

select case(type_of_op)

case(1) ! arithmetic operation

print *, “enter operation to be performed”

print *, “1 for addition”

print *, “2 for multiplication”

read *, op

select case(op)


print *, n+m


print *, n*m

case default

print *, “invalid operation

end select


print *, “enter operation to be performed”

print *, “1 for checking n == m”

print *, “2 for checking n <= m”

read *, op

select case(op)


print *, n == m


print *, n <= m

case default

print *, “invalid operation”

end select

case default

print *, “invalid type of operation”

end select

end program illustrate_case  ! test it out

Nesting of Case

     select case construct may also be nested

     a select case must be completely contained within one case of outer select case

     case statement applies to innermost select case for which end select comes later

     different constructs may be nested inside each other

     a construct nested inside another must end before the outer construct


     some uses of if – then – elseif – else

     quadratic equations

   three different possibilities

   checked using appropriate conditions

     comparison of reals

   == should not be used with reals

     case construct

     using case to perform multiple tasks