Answers to Mid-semester exam questions


Q.1   a) 12 in binary is 1100

            0.8 in binary is 0.110011001100…

            12.8 is 1100.110011001100….


            Since 9 bits for mantissa out of which 1 is for sign, only 8 bits can be stored

            Exponent is to the base 16.   3 bits implies exponent is between –3 to 4.


            Number stored would be 0.11001101 ´ 161

            This is 12.8125 ( note that last bit is rounded)     ( 2 Marks, no partial credit)


            Largest number obtained by all mantissa bits = 1 and exp = 4, approximately 216

            Smallest number has all mantissa bits except last = 0 and exp = -3, 2-8 ´ 16-3 = 2-20


                                                                                    (1 Mark each , no partial credit)


         b) fact  =  PRODUCT(  (/  (fact,  fact  = 1, n)  / )  ) (2 Marks, no partial credit)


c)      1 2 3 4 5 8 7 7 9 6  

a(: : 2) is the array  1 3 5 7 9

a(7:3:-1) is              7 6 5 4 3

a(: : 2) <=  a(7:3:-1) is the logical array T T T F F

a(10:2:-2) = a(6:) is an array assignment performed only where the logical array is T

a(10)  =  6   a(8)  =  7  and a(6) = 8  are the only changes    (2 Marks, no partial credit)                                                                       


Q.2    A sample program

            READ *, k;

right = n                                                                      (2 Marks for correct logic)

left  = n

grade = “A”

            DO i  = 1, 4

            DO                                                                               (2 Marks for correct loop)

                        IF (left = = 0) EXIT

                        IF ((marks (right)-marks (left)) > k) EXIT

                        left = left – 1

            END DO

            PRINT *, “number of students with grade”, grade, “  is   ”, right – left

            right = left

            grade=achar (iachar (grade)+1)                    (1 Mark for printing grade correctly)

            END DO

            PRINT *, “number of students with grade”, grade, “  is   ”, right


(1 Mark for correctly handling fail grade)


It is possible to use binary search in inner loop to get a more efficient program. However in this case simplicity is more important.  Also, grade would have to be printed for every student, so anyway, the array would have to be traversed.


Q.3       The main idea is that some power of b is divisible by n iff every prime number which divides n also divides b.  n and b satisfy this property the iff  n and gcd(n,b) do which is true iff n/gcd(n,b) and gcd(n,b) satisfy the property.  When n = = 1, all prime factors of n have been removed by dividing by some prime factors of b. If gcd = = 1 while n > 1, n has prime factors which are not divisors of b.

            READ *, n, b

            no_of_digits  =  0


                        IF ( n = = 1)  EXIT

                        ! find gcd of n and b, one more digit required

                        no_of_digits = no_of_digits + 1

                        m = n

                        l = b


                                    IF ( l = = 0) EXIT

                                    temp = modulo(m,l)

                                    m = l

                                    l = temp                                    ( 1 mark for each correct blank)

                        END DO                                           (no partial credit)

                        IF (  m = = 1) EXIT

                        ! if gcd = 1 then it is not possible

                        ! modify values of n and b.

                        n = n / m

                        b = m

            END DO

            If ( n = = 1) then

                        PRINT *, “ representation possible”


                        PRINT *, “representation not possible”



Q.4       Main points in the program.


            Identify required substrings  ( username, dept  and domain name)

            Find first nonblank character, first occurrence of  “@” and first occurrence of  “.”

            Check validity of each field.

            Sample program


            PROGRAM check_address

            IMPLICIT NONE

            CHARACTER (LEN=30) :: address

            INTEGER :: i,  first, at, dot

            LOGICAL :: valid                                             (1 Mark for using a logical variable)

            READ *, address                                            

            valid  =  .TRUE.                                               

            first = verify(address, “  ”)

            at = scan(address, “@”)                            (2 Marks for correctly identifying substrings)

            dot = scan(address, “.”)

            IF ((at – first) > 8  .OR..  (at-first) < 1 )  valid = .FALSE.

            DO i = first, at-1

            SELECT CASE (address (i : i))

            CASE (“0” :  “9”,  “a” :  “z”,  “A” : “Z”)    

            CASE DEFAULT                               (2 Marks for correctly checking username,

                        valid  =  .FALSE.                       1 mark if IF THEN ELSE used)     

            END SELECT                                                          

            END DO

            SELECT CASE (address (at+1 : dot))     (2 Marks for correctly checking dept)

            CASE (“aero.”, “cse.”, “ee.” ….)

            ! include the . , otherwise blanks may be present after dept                 

            CASE DEFAULT                                          

                        valid =  .FALSE.                                  

            END SELECT                                                          

            SELECT CASE (address (dot+1 :))         (1 Mark for checking remaining substring)

            CASE (“”, “”)              

            CASE DEFAULT

                        valid  =  .FALSE.

            END SELECT

            IF (valid) THEN

                        PRINT *, “address is a valid email address”            (upto 2 Marks may be

            ELSE                                                                           deducted for clarity)

                        PRINT *, “address is not valid”


            END PROGRAM check_address