1) Starting with a large task and breaking the process into small tasks. These tasks are more simple to complete. The tasks are then interrelated to complete given task. steps to follow a) Clearly state the problem that you are trying to solve. b) Define the inputs required by the program and the ouputs to be produced. c) Design the algorithm. d) turn the algorithm into fortrna statements. e) Compile, run and test the program. 2) PROGRAM greatest IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3, big, small READ(*,*) n1,n2,n3 if(n1 > n2) then big = n1 small = n2 else big = n2 small = n1 END IF if(n3 > big) then big = n3 elseif (n3 < small) then small = n3 endif write(*,*) 'The Biggest Number is ', big write(*,*) 'The smallest Number is ',small END PROGRAM greatest program SORT IMPLICIT NONE integer n1,n2,n3,middle,big,small read(*,*) n1, n2, n3 middle = n3 if(n1 > n2) then big = n1 small = n2 else big = n2 small = n1 endif if (n3 > big) then middle = big big = n3 else if (n3 < small) then middle = small small = n3 endif write(*,*) 'The sorted order is ',big, middle, small END PROGRAM SORT 3) PROGRAM grades IMPLICIT NONE integer :: score READ(*,*) score temp :SELECT CASE (score) CASE (70:) Write(*,*) "Student gets Distinction" CASE (60:69) Write(*,*) 'Student gets Ist Class' CASE (50:59) Write(*,*) 'Student gets IInd Class' CASE (40:49) Write(*,*) 'Student gets Pass Class' CASE DEFAULT Write(*,*) 'Student fails' END SELECT temp END PROGRAM grades 4) a) infinity b) 10 c) 1 d) error e) 3 a) 1i = -00123 b) A = 1.002000E+06 B = 0.100010E+07 Sum = 0.200210E+07 Diff = 1900.000000 c) result = F 5) program real real :: pi 35 FORMAT(F7.4) 40 format(A25) 50 format(A30) write (*,40,ADVANCE='NO') "Enter the valur of pi " read(*,*)pi write(*,50,ADVANCE='NO') " The value of pi entered is " write(*,35)pi end program