Case Construct

Generalized Conditional

§      Conditional statement has two branches


§      It can be generalized to have  multiple branches


§      There are problems where different computations are invoked for different values of an expression


§      expressions can have more than two values




Problem:  Given an 24-hour clock value, compute the

corresponding value in the  AM-PM clock



 AM-PM depends upon the value in the 24-hour clock:

      00:01 – 11:59    -  AM

       12 hours           - noon

       12:01 -  23:59   - PM

        00:00                - midnight  

The Program

The Program continued

    case(0)    !hour has the value 0

          if (minute = 0) then print *,"12 midnight"

          else print *, “0”,minute,“ AM"

    case(12)        !hour has the value 12

          if (minute = 0) then print *,"12 noon"

          else print *, "12:",minute,“ PM"

    case default

          print *, "error in hour“

end select

end program


General form

•     Selection of branch decided by the variable in the select statement


•     The general form is:

         select case(exp)

                 case(sel1) block1

                 case(sel2) block2


                 case(seln) blockn

                 case default block(n+1)

          end select

General Case statement

•     The case expression is of type integer, character or logical

•     The case selector can be:

–  Integer or truth value

–  Integer1 : integer2

–  Integer1:

–  : integer2

–  A list of integers

•     The case expression can not match more than one selector



The default case

•     Default case is optional and is the last


–   When none of the case selector match, this default case matches

–   Should be used with care

–   This case will remove run-time errors and hence may hide logical errors in the program

Execution of Case Statement


•      First the expression in the select case statement is executed


•      The first case branch following the select statement matching the evaluated value is selected


•      The block of statements following the selected case is executed


•      The control then moves to the statement that follows the select statement


•      The default case matches any value and hence executed when no other case matches

 The Cases

•      Range of values can be given, eg.,

          case(0:11), case(11:23)


•      Implicit endpoints allowed

         case(:j) - all values <= j

         case(i:) - all values >=i


•      i,j must be constants


•      ranges and values for different cases must be disjoint

Nesting of Cases

•      Select statements can be nested

•     A select case statement appear in one or more blocks of the cases of another case statement.


•      The inner select statement should `end' within the same block

•      case statements apply to the innermost select statement

•      Case statements may be labelled



                out:  select case(x)


                                in:select case(y)

                                        case(0) block1

                                        default block2

                                    end select in





                        end select out

A Calculator example

  read *, x,y

  read *, op

  select case(op)


           print *, (x+y)


           print *, (x*y)

        case(“/”)  ! Some problem with this character

            if (y==0) then

                 print *, “result undefined”


                 print *, (x/y)

         case default

                 print *, “undefined operation”

   end select


1. There is some problem in am_pm_clock program. Find and Improve the program


2. Develop a program that converts from am-pm   format to 24-hour format


3. Write a program to compute the number of        months in a given month