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Assignment 3: Mesh Repair


This assignment does not require you to do any coding. However, we provide a mesh viewer that you can use to check your work. Install the DGP toolkit as usual. Download the skeleton code for the viewer here. Make sure you have GLUT installed, and copy the DGP/DGP subfolder to src/.

(For convenience, you can rename Makefile.<os> to Makefile, to avoid having to pass the -f argument each time.)

If the build succeeds, run ./viewer data/dino.off. A window like this should pop up:

Use the mouse to rotate the view. Press 'B' to see the shape's bounding box, 'E' to show the mesh edges, and 'Esc' to quit.


The mesh dino.off has a large number of disconnected components (two sets of faces are disconnected if no face in the first shares an edge with a face in the second). In the image, each disconnected component is colored a different color (there are 89 components). If you display the mesh edges ('E') and look closely, you will also notice that the layout of faces varies from component to component. In this assignment, you will use MeshLab or any other tool of your choice to repair and improve the mesh. This could involve:

All you have to do is improve the mesh in at least two ways, document how you did it, and mail the improved mesh back to us. Don't spend too long on it, it's not designed to take more than 2-3 hours.

MeshLab has a large number of filters (just like a photo editor) to help you. Going through them is also an excellent warm-up for endsem prep.

Extra Credit: Every non-trivial improvement you do beyond the first two qualifies for 10% extra credit, upto a maximum of 30%.


Please email your submissions to the course staff (Sid + both TAs, emails on main page) using EXACTLY the following format:

Yes, multiple submissions are ok, but only the most recent one will be considered (going by email timestamp).