CS 213/293: Data Structures and Algorithms + Lab (Autumn 2010)

Schedule: Lectures: Slot 4 in SIC 301 Kresit, Lab: Tue 2-5 in OSL
Instructor: Om Damani, Office hours: M,Thu 5-6
TA list: cs213-tas
Moodle : Slides, Assignments, Solution, Newsgroup etc.

Credit/Audit Eligibility: This is a second year core course and cannot be taken as elective by anyone else.

Text Book

[RS] Algorithms in C++, Robert Sedgewick, 3rd Ed.

Suggested Readings

Unix Programming Environment by Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike.


Sr. No, Date Topic Resource
1: 22/07 Administrative Details, Motivation Slides
2: 26/07 Object Based Programming: C++ Classes Slides, Ch 4.1,4.5, 4.8,4.9
3: 27/07 Data Structures in Real Life,
How to implement a search engine
4: 29/07 Performance Analysis Slides, Ch 2.2
5: 02/08 Performance Analysis Slides based on Ch. 2.3-2.6
6: 03/08 Motivating Link Lists: implementing Dynamic Sets using arrays, problems: a) deletion, b) maintaining it in sorted fashion. Slides
7: 05/08 Dynamic Memory Allocation: Pointers Slides
8: 09/08 Link List Implementation using Pointers Slides, Ch 3.3-3.5
9: 10/08 Queue, Applications Ch 4.6
10: 12/08 Stack, Applications Ch 4.2-4.4
11: 12/08 Extra Tutorial: HW and Lab Solutions  
12: 16/08 Recursion: examples, Towers of Hanoi Ch 5.1-5.3
13: 17/08 Iterative solution to Hanoi, other examples of recursion  
14: 19/08 Queue implementation using Arrays Slides
15: 23/08 Insertion Sort Ch 6.1,6.3
16: 26/08 Selection Sort Ch 6.2
17: 30/08 Selection Sort - Exact Analysis  
18: 31/08 Merge Sort Ch 8.1-8.3,8.5-8.7
19: 02/09 Quick Sort, Partitioning Algorithm Ch 7.1, pages 12-15 of Sequencing Primitives Revisited for Dijkstra's Dutch National Flag Problem that introduced the 3-way, in-place partition
20: 06/09 Quick Sort: Avg Case Analysis, Optimizations Ch 7.2,7.4-7.6
21: 07/09 Quick Sort: Recursion Removal Ch 7.3
22: 20/09 Trees: Formal Definition and Properties Ch 5.4-5.5
23: 21/09 Trees: Traversal Algorithms Ch 5.6-5.7
24: 23/09 Priority Queue Ch 9.1-9.3
25: 27/09 Heapsort Ch 9.4
26: 28/09 Priority Queue Application: Discrete Event Simulation  
27: 30/09 Binary Search Trees: Insertion, Deletion, and Join 12.5-12.7
28: 04/10 BST: Rotation, Root Insertion, Randomized BST 12.8-12.9, 13.1
29: 05/10 2-4 Trees 13.3, Slides in Moodle
30: 07/10 Splay Trees 13.2, the classical paper by Sleator and Tarjan. A demo can be found here.
31: 11/10 Skip Lists 13.5
32: 12/10 Hashing: Hash Table and Hash Function, Chaining 14.1,14.2
33: 14/10 Hashing: Linear Probing, Double Hashing 14.3,14.4
34: 18/10 Hashing: Double Hashing Analysis, Perspective 14.4, 14.6
35: 19/10 Tries, Ternary Search Trees 15.4
36: 21/10 Graph: Introduction slides
37: 24/10 BFS, DFS slides
38: 25/10 Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm slides
39: 26/10 Minimum Spanning Tree: Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithm slides
40: 28/10 Union-Find Algorithm Ch 1, slides
41: 8/11 Union-Find Algorithm Ch 1, slides
42: 9/11 Shortest Path with negative edge weights slides
43:11/11 Topological Ordering slides