Dhananjay Raman

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Notable Projects:

  1. Video Super Resolution: This is a project I took up as part of Web and Coding Club's Seasons of Code. I trained a convolutional neural network,with three layers (standard SRCNN model) on some training images, so that it would accurately super-resolve the upscaled image. I used this model to super-resolve any video frame-by-frame and return that as the higher-resolution video, as a naive form of video super resolution. This is a sample result from one of my images, zoom in to see the difference :)
    Left: Low Res image fed as input
    Middle: Image upscaled using bicubic interpolation
    Right: Super Resolved image generated by my model

  2. My GitHub Webpages (dhanohacks.github.io and dhanohacks.github.io/song-app): I made both of these apps in various events involving DevCom, the Developers Community at IIT Bombay.
    The first one is a tictactoe game in which you are guaranteed* to lose (I made this during a Game Dev Hackathon), and the second one is a basic spotify-like music player which plays some of my favorite songs (made this as an DevCom Core Team Selection Project).

  3. I made a few more minigames as part of various assignments (or just to pass time), like Bubble Trouble and a Bulb Puzzle, both of which I will upload to my github soon.....