Course project: Understanding network performance in dense WiFi settings

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Guidelines for final report submission and viva (Updated April 7, 2014)

Please note that your timely progress at the monthly reviews has so far accounted for 10% of your course grade. Your final project report and viva will account for 10% each (adding up to a total of 30% for the project).

Here is a summary of the project so far. A trace of 12 WiFi clients connecting to a webserver and downloading a large video file was provided to you. Most of you have analyzed the file correctly, parsed the HTTP requests, and computed that the average time to download the file was around 150 seconds. The task was to then recreate this scenario in simulation using ns-3. Here are the steps you should have followed in simulation:

Most teams have reached this point in the project, as seen in the third project review in the first week of April. Going forward, each team will be submitting one joint report, under 8 pages (including any figures and graphs). Please submit one hard copy of your report in my office. Your report should have the following components.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to fit in within 8 pages. So please be clear and concise when you write your report.

After submitting the report, each team should attend the viva by signing up for a 15-minute slot. Please bring your laptops with the simulation and trace analysis code (please charge your laptops, and have them ready to use, so you don't have to plug them in during the 15-minute slot). You need not make any slides (any content you want to present should already be in your report, which I will have with me during the viva). The goal of the viva is to assess the contributions of the individual team members to the project. Some of the things you will be tested for in the viva:

Description of the project (to be read at the start of the project)

The goal of this project is to get a first hand experience in doing simple wireless networking research. We will consider the scenario of a number of clients connected over WiFi to a web server via an access point (AP), and downloading content from the server. Those of you who have taken CS 699 (Software Lab) last semester will remember downloading quizzes and lectures this way during the course. We will analyze and understand wireless network performance in such a scenario, using a combination of simulations and analysis of real traces. Our particular emphasis will be on understanding how and why WiFi performance degrades when there are a large number of users.

Here is a link to the trace used for the project: 12clients.pcap.


You will do the project in teams of 3 students (2 students is also fine if you so desire). Please decide on your teams and send me email within the first two weeks of the semester.

Components of the project. The project will consist of analyzing networking traces, running simulations, and putting together real network data and simulations to understand the performance of wireless networks. The project will roughly have three parts.

Each of these parts is explained in more detail later on.

Monthly reviews. We will hold three monthly reviews to monitor the progress of the project (please see the class homepage for dates). You can divide the work between the reviews as you see fit. For example, you can do the simulations first, and trace analysis next, or you can start simulations and trace analysis both at once. I leave it to the individual teams to plan their activities. Your deliverable for each monthly review is a short (under 4 pages) report by each team. During the review, I will meet with each team individually. We will go over your report and you must explain your results. You will also be asked to explain what each member of the team has done. Appropriate feedback will be provided to ensure that the project is going on the right track.

Final report, viva. Each team will submit one joint final report (under 8 pages) at the end of the semester. We will also have a viva, where each member of the team has to answer questions individually, and must be able to explain the work they did.

Goals of the project. Ideally, you should have learnt the following things by the end of the project.

Grading. Your project grade (30% of the final grade) will be decided as follows.

During each of these stages (monthly reviews, final report, and viva), you will be judged on how well you have met the four goals listed above. That is, in addition to just doing the actual work, you will also be required to demonstrate other meta-skills like clarity of thought, planning in a team, and good communication.

Trace analysis

Experimental scenario. You are provided with a trace (a pcap file) that was captured during the following experiment (see the top of the page for a link to the trace). 12 users (WiFi clients) connect to a WiFi access point (AP). The AP is bridged via ethernet to an Apache web server that hosts some content. The users first go to a URL on the web server and authenticate themselves (by typing in a username and password). After authentication, the users are shown a directory listing of all the files on the web server. The users then proceed to download a video file ("raw.mp4", approx 9 MB) from the server.

The clients are all using 802.11g, on a clean channel without external interference. A bit rate adaptation scheme at the client and AP was adjusting the transmit bit rate between the minimum and maximum values of 1 Mbps and 54 Mbps. That is, the maximum raw throughput to be expected on the wireless link was 54 Mbps. All clients were close enough to the AP that they could send and receive at the 54 Mbps bit rate when operating alone. The client download was bottlenecked only by the wireless network, i.e., the wired network was congestion-free. You may also assume that the wired part of the network (between the AP and server) was essentially loss-free.

The trace is collected by running tcpdump on the web server. The trace collection begins after all clients have associated with the AP but before any download begins. The trace ends when all clients have finished downloading the file. (Note that the behaviour of the clients is only the recommended behavior, some users may have slightly deviated from what they were asked to do.)

Tools. You can use tools such as wireshark (which has a graphical interface) or tshark (a commandline interface) to analyze the traces. Wireshark gives you an easy way to visualize the data. Tshark gives you a way to extract text from the trace. You can then proceed to write scripts in your preferred scripting language (shell/perl/python) to extract various numbers from the traces. Please spend some time familiarising yourself with the script before you jump in and generate graphs.

Steps in the analysis. Below is a rough guideline on how you must proceed with the project, what graphs you can generate, and what to look for in the analysis. Note that you have considerable freedom in shaping your project, so please feel free to modify this plan as you see fit.

The bottomline of your trace analysis will be to understand and explain the network behavior at each layer of the networking stack while a relatively large number of clients were downloading a big file over WiFi.


Tools. While there are many wireless network simulators out there, I would strongly suggest you use ns-3 to run your simulations, because it has the best models available for WiFi amongst the simulators I am familiar with. You can also go with ns-2 (or any other simulator) if you are more comfortable with it, but please do your research to make sure the simulator provides all the models required to do what is needed for the project. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the simulator and its documentation before you start.

Simulation scenario. Your simulations will try to recreate the trace collection experiment described above as far as possible. A certain N number of clients (N can vary across simulations) connect to a WiFi AP, which is in turn bridged to a node that is running an HTTP web server. The WiFi clients also run HTTP client modules and issue HTTP requests. All clients download a large video file from the web server. You can decide the exact details of link bandwidths, delays, traffic model choices, and other simulation parameters as you see fit. I am not specifying the simulation config in great detail on purpose: part of the puzzle is also to figure out how to model a real life system in simulations. Whenever in doubt about the simulation parameters, please use the trace as your guide.

Note that ns-3 has a choice of various bit rate selection algorithms at the MAC layer. You can choose any of them, or you can use fixed rate. Again, the choice is dictated by what you see in your traces.

ns-3 provides a way for you to collect pcap traces at various nodes, in addition to various levels of debug logging. You can use some combination of logging and trace collection to understand the network behavior.

Steps in the analysis. Here is a rough guideline on how you should proceed with the simulations.

Reconciling simulation and real-life experiments

Compare and contrast the results from the trace to results from simulations. Do your simulation and trace analysis results above match? That is, when you simulate a setting identical to the experiment from which the trace was collected, do the results like download completion time and aggregate network throughput match within the simulations and analysis. If they do, well, I would suggest you make sure that there is nothing wrong with your results. If you have double checked, and they still match, well, great!

In all likelihood though, simulations and experiments produce different results in practice. The first step would be to identify why the numbers are different. Here are some questions to ponder upon. These are only a small sample. I am sure we can identify more issues when we discuss your results in the monthly reviews.

Once, you have identified the source of the discrepancy, you can modify the simulation setup to reflect reality in a better fashion. For example, you can change the traffic model, or the wireless channel loss model, or something else, to better capture the real-life effects in simulation. At this stage, the project is basically open-ended. There is no one right answer, as long as you can convince me of your answer.

Improving network performance in dense WiFi settings

This is the most challenging part of the project. I suggest you attempt this only if you have completed the above work thoroughly. That is, you have fully analyzed the trace file provided. You have recreated the experiment in simulation, and you have reproduced the network performance seen in real-life in your simulations as well. Now, you can take the next bold step of trying to fix this problem (in simulations of course!).

Once you have understood the performance bottleneck that is causing a degradation in performance in a dense WiFi deployment, you can come up with a fix to the bottleneck. The exact fix will depend on what you identify as the problematic part of the network. Again, there is no one right answer, and you can fix this problem in many ways. Whatever fix you come up with, you will be required to implement this fix, and demonstrate the improvement in performance before and after your fix. For example, you can show that downloads are finishing faster, or that network throughput has improved, or losses are lower, or whatever. Please talk to me about your plans during monthly reviews, and get feedback on your ideas.


Good luck! Hope you have fun and/or learn something useful during the project!

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