Programming Assignment 3: Build your own container using Linux namespaces and cgroups

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In this assignment, you will understand how containers work by building one from scratch yourself. You will also experiment with existing container frameworks.

Before you begin, you are expected to have a good understanding of Linux namespaces and cgroups as studied in class. You will also benefit from reading helpful articles online on how to build containers from scratch, like this tutorial. Every container needs a good root filesystem. The easiest way is to download one online, e.g., from this link that is provided in the previous tutorial. If you wish to build a root filesystem yourself, you can find some great resources online like this talk. This talk demonstrates several tools to build a root filesystem, including Buildroot.

If you have never used containers before, it is a good idea to install and run one or more popular container frameworks like LXC and Docker, to understand the behavior of containers.

Part A: Build your own container runtime

In this part of the assignment, you will write a C/C++ program which will a spawn a command shell in a container-like isolated environment. The following are the specifications of this container shell:

You must design a suitable demo for your shell, where you will run tests to demonstrate all of the above requirements, using commands of your choice. For example, you should start processes and demonstrate the ps command. You must create resource-hungry applications to demonstrate resource limits, and so on. You are responsible for writing code for all of these testcases as well.

Part B: Containers vs. VMs (ungraded, optional)

In this part of the assignment, you will compare the performance of VMs and containers in terms of their virtualization overhead. You can use any container runtime of your choice (e.g., LXC, Docker) and any VM platform or your choice (e.g., QEMU/KVM). You can either compare the performance of an application when it is running inside a VM vs. inside a container, or you can compare the startup latency or boot times of containers vs. VMs. That is, the performance metric that is being compared across containers and VMs can be chosen by you.

If you choose to compare application performance, choose any application of your choice and run it both within a container and the VM. Be careful to allocate similar resources (CPU, memory etc.) to both the VM and the container. Measure the capacity or saturation performance (in terms of throughput or requests processed per second, for example) of your application in both cases. Usually, the saturation performance of the application occurs when some hardware resource (e.g., CPU or network) is saturated and running at full utilization. Compare the saturation capacity of the application when it is running inside a container vs. when run inside a VM, and draw suitable conclusions. Also compare the container/VM performance with baremetal performance, i.e., when the application is directly running on the host without any virtualization. You may want to experiment with different kinds of applications in different scenarios to reach a well-informed conclusion on the relative performance overheads of VMs vs. containers.

Alternately, instead of comparing application performance, you may also compare VMs and containers along other axes such as memory footprint, bootup time, and so on. Start a large number of containers or VMs in sequence, and measure how long it takes to boot them. Analyze the difference in startup latencies, and explain them correctly.

This part of the assignment is open-ended, and there is no one correct answer. For example, the relative performance of the application in containers vs. VMs will depend on the application you choose and the workload you run it with. What we are expecting from you is a careful measurement of performance in both scenarios, and an analysis/explanation of the results you observe.

Submission and grading

You must solve this assignment individually. You are required to submit code (to create the container, as well as the test cases) for only part A. Create a tar-gzipped file of your submission, with the filename being your roll number, and upload it on Moodle. Grading this assignment will involve a demo/viva with the instructor/TA.

Good luck!

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