
I'm Osim

Greetings and Warm Welcome to my homepage, where you can get to know a little bit more about me and my interests. I'm currently pursuing my M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay. I love solving problems in general especially those that are mathematics-driven and intuitive.I have a very keen interest in Physics and Astronomy and love skimming through Physics and Astronomy Olympiad Problems.I am a big sports fanatic and love playing almost any sport, be it Football or any common indoor game such as Carrom or Table Tennis. I could spend hours watching sports when I am not playing them.

Apart from these I do have my secondary interests in watching Movies or listening to quality Music. I am a big fan of 90s and early 2000s music and love vibing to lovely songs of that era with friends. I enjoy watching thrillers and horror flicks and hence jumpscares don't scare me at all(just kidding :p). Last but not the least, I love reading books and magazines whenever I could lay my hands on them but it has become increasingly difficult to maintain such a habbit with an ever increasingly tight daily routine. But regular book reading is one practice I would love to inculcate in my life for years to come and I'm trying my best to achieve that. Also do Feel Free to ping me on any of the below mentioned-handles. Also please do watch the video below. Adios!

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