Sponsored R & D Projects

Sponsoring Agency Title of project Amount of grant
Time period &
current status
State Bank of India Foundation
Hallucination Detetcion and Mitigatiin on Finance LLMs Approx Rs 40 Lakhs 2025-26.
State Bank of India Foundation
Table to Text Generation Maintaining Subjectivity LLMs Approx Rs 40 Lakhs 2025-26.
Sa Re Ga Ma
Automatic Prediction of Music Popularity and Synthesis of Music Approx Rs 25 Lakhs 2024-26.
Closed Captioining Approx Rs 50 Lakhs 2024-26.
RailLLM: AI Based Complaint Handling and Routing on RailMadad Approx Rs 1.0 Cr 2024-25. IIT Bombay in partnership with Central Railway Information System (CRIS)Delhi and META.
LegalLLM: AI Based Consumer Grievance Redressal Approx Rs 1.0 Cr 2024-25. IIT Bombay in partnership with National Law University Bangalore and META.
TIH-IoT IIT Bombay
Automatic Generation of Radiology Reports from Medical Images Approx Rs 41 Lakhs 2023-25. Technology Incubation Hub (IoT) IIT Bombay.
No Language Left Behind (NLLB) Approx Rs 90 Lakhs 2023-25. IIT Bombay in partnership with META.
Samsung Research
Deep Reasoning Approx Rs 30 Lakhs 2023-25. IIT Bombay in partnership with Samsung Research.
SERB-GE FIRE Scheme: AKSHAY: An Information Extraction and Summarization System for Oncology Patient Monitoring and Management Approx Rs 20 Lakhs 2022-24. IIT Bombay in partnership with General Electric, Bangalore.
L & T Infotech, CSR Project
MAITREYI: An End-to-End Reinforcement Learning Based Conversational Agent with Summarization and Emotion Understanding Capability Approx Rs 1.3 Cr 2022-25. IIT Bombay in partnership L & T Infotech.
Ministry of Electronics and IT
VIDYAAPATI: A Speech to Speech Machine Translation System for Bengali, Hindi, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi Approx Rs 10 Cr 2022-24. Consortium of IIT Bombay (Lead), CDAC Kolkata, CDAC Pune, Goa University, IIT Patna, ISI Kolkata, Jadavpur University, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Ministry of Electronics and IT
ISHAAN: A Speech to Speech Machine Translation System for Assamese, Bodo, English, Hindi, Manipuri, Nepali Approx Rs 15 Cr 2022-24. Consortium of IIT Bombay (Lead), Guahati University, IIIT Manipur, NIT Silchar, North Bengal University.
Verisk Analytics
Gift Grant in Explainability Approx Rs 25L 2022-23.
Accenture Labs
Gift Grant in Bias Detection Approx Rs 35L 2021-22.
Adobe Labs
Gift Grant in Sentiment and Emotion Analysis USD 25K 2021-22.
Eros Now
Automatic Script Generation Approx Rs 30L 2021-22.
Indian National Academy of Engineering
Abdul Kalam Fellowship Project: "Shushrut- a System for Assiting Diagnostics and Reporting in Radiology using ASR and NLU" Rs 45L 2020-23.
Ministry of Electronics and IT
Bahubhashak Pilot: Speech to Speech Machine Trsnaltion for Indian Languages Approx Rs 2 Cr 2020-21. with Prof. Preethi Jyothi, CSE, IITB.
Ministry of Home Affairs
Cyber Security of Women and Children Approx Rs 2 Cr 2020-23. With CSE-IITP Faculty.
IBM AI Horizon Network IIT Bombay
Multimodal Knowldge Based AI Approx Rs 3 Cr 2019-22.
LGSoft Bangalore
Time Series Prediction and Knowledge Graph Approx Rs 1 Cr 2019-22. (collaboration of IITB, IITP and LGSoft). With Dr. Asif Ekbal and Dr. Sriparna Saha.
Multilingual Sentiment and Emotion Analysis Approx Rs 40L 2019-21. (collaboration of IITP and CDOT). With Dr. Asif Ekbal and Dr. Sriparna Saha.
MEITY and Govt. of Bihar
Development of C-DAC Digital Forensic Centre with AI based Knowledge Support Tools Approx Rs 6 Cr 2019-22. (collaboration of IITP, CDAC, Bihar Govt). With IITP-CSE Faculty.
Automation in Medical Diagnosis Rs 10L 2019-20. Completed.
Sevak – An Intelligent Indian Language Chatbot Approx Rs 1.5 Crores 2018. (collaboration between IITP, Wipro, IIIT Sricity and IIIT Hyderabad).
LGsoft Bangalore (consultancy project)
Information Extraction on SMS related to LG products Approx Rs 5 Lakhs 2017. Completed. Text categorization and Event Extraction achieved with high accuracy (with Dr. Asif Ekbal and Dr. Sriparna Saha, IIT Patna).
Blue Pool Mumbai (a startup from BNP Paribas; consultancy project)
Financial Analytics Approx Rs 5 Lakhs 2017. Various IE tasks being worked on.
Hindi-English Judicial Machine Translation Approx Rs 2 Crore 2017-2019. Consortium of CDAC Pune, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIIT Allahabad and IIT Patna (coordination).
A platform for Crosslingual and Multilingual Event Monitoring in Indian Languages Approx Rs 4 Crore 2017-2019. Consortium of IIT Patna, IIT Bombay, AU KBC, DAIICT Gandhinagar and IIT KGP (coordination).
Tata-Center A digital aid for language teaching and learning Apporx. Rs 45,00,000 2016-2018. Collaborative research between IIT Bombay and MIT, USA in language learning-teaching creating a system called SHABDAMITRA.
Accenture Global R & D
Artificial Intelligence in Question Answering, Virtual Agent and Machine Translation USD 100,000 2016-2018. Collaborative research between Accenture Global R & D, IIT Bombay and IIT Patna.
Elseviere Netherlands
Text Mining, Information Extraction, Document Clustering Rs 20 Million 2015-2018. Collaborative research between Elsevier, IIT Bombay and IIT Patna.
EZDI Technolgies
Health Informatics Rs 3.6 Million 2015-2018. Collaborative research between EZDI, IIT Bombay and IIT Patna.
Deep Semantics Question Answering USD 25,000 2015-2017. Collaborative research between Center for Indian Language Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and Accenture.
Department of Science and Technology(DST)
Design of Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Network Rs. 11,60,000/USD 166,000 May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2016. Collaborative research between Center for Indian Language Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and Computational Linguistics Laboratory, Institute for IITP of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Next Generation Information Extraction, Hybrid Statistical and Semantic Information Extraction Rs. 1,31,35,320/USD 246950 June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2016. Collaborative research between NLP group, CSE, IITB and TCS, Research. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Dravidian Wordnet: Kannad, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu Rs. 27.47 Lakhs/USD 61044 January 3, 2012 to January 2, 2014. Consortium of 5 institutions with IIT Bombay leading the consortium. Completed.
Ministry of IT
English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT): Phase-II Rs. 89.14 Lakhs/USD 198088 September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2014. Consortium of 9 institutions. IITB part- English to Marathi MT system, Word Sense Disambiguation. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA): Phase-II Rs 2.5 crores/
USD 555555
September 2010 to August 2013. Consortium of 12 institutions with IITB in the lead. Goal: development of tools and resources for CLIR. More info. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation (ILMT): Phase-II Rs 1.0 crores/
USD 222222
May 2010 to April 2013. Consortium of 14 institutions. IITB Goal: development of Marathi-Hindi MT system. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Indradhanush: Integrated Wordnet for Bengali, Gujarati, Kashmiri,Konkani, Oriya,Punjabi & Urdu Rs 36 Lakhs/
USD 80000
August 2010 to July 2012. Linkage of synsets of mentioned languages with Hindi wordnet, establishmnet of semantic relations, sense dismabiguation and navigation algorithms. Completed.
Xerox Corporation
Multilingual Tools and Resources for Indian Languages Rs 18 Lakhs/
USD 40000
Sept 2010 to August 2013. Hindi English MT in Judicial Domain, Crowdsourcing, Automatic Error Correction and Detection in MT. Completed.
AOL, Bangalore
High Accuracy Sentiment Analysis Rs 7 Lakhs/
USD 16000
August 2010 to July 2011. Role of sense disambiguation on Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Analysis for Twitter, SA for Indian Languages. Completed.
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Tools and Resources for Machine Translation of English and Dravidian Languages Rs 7.5 Lakhs/
USD 16666
July 2009 to June 2011.Consortium of 15 institutes to create MT systems among Tamil, Telugu, Kannad, Malayalam and English. IITB Part- Linking of Hindi and Dravidian wordnets. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Indian Language Corpora Rs 23 Lakhs/
USD 51111
September 2010 to August 2013.Consortium of 12 institutes to create parallel corpora of Indian Languages. IITB Part- Marathi Hindi coprora. Co-PI with Prof. Malhar Kulkarni. Completed.
Central Institute of Indian Languages
Sanskrit Wordnet Rs 20 Lakhs/
USD 44444
October 2008 to September 2011. Linkage of synsets of Sanskrit with Hindi wordnet, establishmnet of semantic relations, sense dismabiguation and navigation algorithms. Linkage with Amarkosha. Co-PI with Prof. Malhar Kulkarni. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Development and Integration of Wordnets of North East Languages (NE-Wordnet) Rs 33 Lakhs/
USD 73333
February 2009 to December 2011. Consortium of 5 institutes (IITB-lead) doing project on Linkage of synsets of Assames, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali with Hindi wordnet, establishmnet of semantic relations, sense dismabiguation and navigation algorithms. Linkage with Amarkosha. Completed.
IBM Faculty Award
Tools for Indian Language Processing on UIMA Platform Rs 6 Lakhs/
USD 13333
February 2008 to January 2009. Integrating Indian Language processing resources and tools and semantic search capabilities with the UIMA Platform. Completed.
HP Labs, Bangalore
Large Scale Application Development and Knowledge Dissemination in Natural Language Processing and Text Mining Rs 8 Lakhs/
USD 18177
January 2008 to December 2009. Work on Ontology, Organization of 3 day summer workshop on Ontology, NLP, IE,IR ( ONII-2008). Completed.
Microsoft Distinguished Researh Grant in a focussed area
Linguistic Data Management of Indian Language Resources. Rs 8 Lakhs/
USD 18177
October 2007 to September 2008. Stoarge and Efficient Navigation of Wordnet, Linkage with Ontology and other Knowledge Networks. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation (ILMT)- Phase I Rs 24.4 Lakhs/
USD 54222
January 2007 to February 2011. Consortium of 10 institutions. IITB part- Marthi-Hindi MT system, Mutliwords, Multilingual WSD. Completed.
Ministry of IT
English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT)- Phase I Rs 58.7 Lakhs/
USD 130444
January 2007 to June 2010. Consortium of 9 institutions. IITB part- English to Marathi MT system, Word Sense Disambiguation. Completed.
Ministry of IT
Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA)- Phase I Rs 1.12 Crores/
USD 248888
November 2006 to August 2010. Consortium of 10 isntitutions with IITB as lead. Development of CLIR portal in Tourism Domain for 6 languages- Bangla, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi, Hindi and English. Completed. See .
Tata Consultancy Services
Laboratory for Intelligent Systems Rs 2 Crores/
USD 444444
September 2006 to August 2012. Research and Development on NLP, E-commerce, Databases, Networking, Security, Program Derivation, Machine Learning, IR etc. Co-PIs: Profs Bernard Menezes, Varsha Apte, Om Damani, Ashwin Gumaste, G. Nagaraja, Soumen Chakrabarti, Krithi Ramamritham. Completed.
Media Lab Asia
Agro Explorer: Meaning Based Search Rs 1.5 Crore/
USD 333333
April 2005 to March 2007. Multilingual, Meaning based search engine, called AgroExplorer for the agricultural domain. Co-PI with Prof. Krithi Ramamritham. Completed.
pre 2006
Development Gateway Foundation
Information and Communication Technology for Development (Language Technology Part) Rs 6.5 Crores/
USD 1,444,000 (total DGF project outlay)
July 2002 to March 2007. Indian Language Part of Speech Taggers and Word Sense Disambiguation. Co-PI with Profs Krithi Ramamritham and Anirudha Joshi. Completed.
Ministry of Information Technology
Technology Development in Indian Languages Rs 1 Crore/
USD 222,000
April 2000 to June 2004. Wordnets developed for Hindi and Marathi and preliminary Machine Translation S/Ws for English, Hindi and Marathi at CFILT . Completed.
Tata Consultancy services
Laboratory for Intelligent Internet Research Rs 70 Lakhs/
USD 155,000
April, 2000 to March 2004. Semantics Extraction, Question Answering, Summarization and Word Sense Disambiguation. Completed.
United Nations University
Universal Networking Language (UNL) Rs 10 Lakh/
USD 22000
Nov, 1997 to July, 2000. Completed, with dictionaries
and multilingual machine translation software developed
for Hindi based on UNL, a language independent semantic
representation for text.