CS695 Topics in Virtualization and Cloud Computing (Spring 2019)
CS695 Topics in Virtualization and Cloud Computing
(Spring 2019)

All reviews will be typically due in-class at the start of the class. Reviews are to be submitted hand-written.

Paper reviews/scribe-notes
* What a review is not ...
  - Copy of abstract and summary
  - Verbatim description of important paras

* What a review is ...
  - Your understanding of the paper
  - What was novel/interesting ... why?	
  - Applicability to other problems/scenarios
  - +ves/ -ves of approach/experiments
  - Well-thought out/described extensions
  - Thoughts/views beyond the paper

* Paper review procedure
  - Reviews to be done in groups of 2
  - Lead+partner jointly write review for each paper 
  - Lead, leads discussion
  - Spends 3-4 hours per paper for detailed reading
  - Partner 1-2 hours per paper
  - L+P discuss paper and jointly write review
  - Discussion with others highly encouraged
  - Aimed at understanding paper
  - What you write should be your own
  - Lead will be graded out of 10 
How do I review a paper?
* Put yourself in the shoes of a paper reviewer. Try to be as critical
  as possible about assumptions, results, approach, motivation, experiments
  etc. presented in the paper. 
  Present your case for/against your comments.

* Convey *your* understanding of the paper, make connections to other 
  related problems and approaches, comment on pros/cons, state extensions. 

* Do no re-write abstract, conclusions, future-work in paper.

* Possible structure for report:
  - retrict review to space provided in the review format
  - briefly (in 3-5 sentences) state problem/application/motivation
  - mention challengs, why the problem is interesting/non-trivial
  - comment on approach details and its validity, assumptions, errors
    or improvements etc.
  - how well is the experimental section presented?---are claims
    verified, are experiments enough/thorough, additional experiments
  - identify possible externsions and related open research problems
  - be specific

  "this approach does not consider mobility".
  this extension is no use unless you specify what aspects of
  solution/assumptions does mobility affect or suggestions on
  how to account for mobility in solution etc. initial ideas
  towards dealing with mobility can be review extensions point.