Research Interests: Computational Complexity, Derandomization and Pseudorandomness, Polyhedral Combinatorics, Parallel Complexity
Mathematics behind QR codes RISC 2024, IIT Bombay
Matroid-convex functions and approximative closure of a class of polynomials IISc Bangalore
Algebraic Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and its generalizations Faculty Unplugged Seminar Series, IITB, Sep 2019
Number of near-shortest vectors in lattices and Isolation Lemma at Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory (WACT) 2018, University of Paris Diderot
Derandomizing the Isolation Lemma and Parallel Algorithms at Algorithms and Optimization 2018, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru.
Derandomizing the Isolation Lemma: A geometric approach at Proving and Using Pseudorandomness workshop 2017, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.
Bipartite Perfect Matching is in quasi-NC at Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory 2016, Tel Aviv University