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Filter Object Framework for MICO

MICO[12] is a CORBA 2.3 compliant open-source implementation of the OMG-CORBA standard. We have designed and implemented a filter object framework in MICO version 2.3.4. This involved several system-level enhancements to the MICO kernel. In our framework, filter objects are full-fledged CORBA objects. Filter objects can be plugged and unplugged onto server objects transparently. The framework is based on the message filtering model[6] for filter objects. This paper introduces the filtering framework to a considerable detail.

We, first discuss the design and implementation of the framework in subsequent sections. The static and dynamic models are elaborated. Further, the development process, tool support and applications of filter objects are also discussed. Finally performance indices are provided for the implementation running on a Linux cluster.

R K Joshi 2003-05-30