Dear All:

Please find draft minutes of the meeting. I'd like to take this chance
to thank Vinod Prasad, Sowmyo Mukherji, Umesh Bellur, Asmita Sonar and
Shishir Jha for helping out in making the meeting possible.  I must have
missed other names, apologies, and please remind me.

Needless to say, nothing would have worked if the parents/teachers did
not take their priceless time out and contribute effectively. Thanks
much, and PLEASE KEEP THE PRESSURE on for the resolutions to actually
happen, and make a difference in our children's lives.


p.s. I am sure I have made mistakes and omitted important points in the
draft minutes below; please feel free to send
replies/corrections/suggestions to


The meeting (held on Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:00 to 13:00) had about
300 parents. It was indeed heartening to see parents so enthusiastic
about making KVIIT THE school to be.  The meeting started with an
introduction by the PTA secretary. The meeting concluded with
appreciation notes from parents for the teachers, especially for the
field trips to post office, bank and garden. More cups of tea were
needed after the meeting to keep the informal social interaction between
teachers and parents going.

The following is a summary of the meeting.

. Issue: Weight of school bags is too much. 
. Outcome:

    1. Primary: There is only one notebook (200 pages) per
    subject (corresponding to both homework and classwork).  Computer
    text and note books are optional; unless specifically asked for it
    is not compulsory to bring these books. Despite this, if the issue
    is pressed in the class, the matter should be brought to the
    attention of higher authorities.  Same is true for music. So a
    maximum of four notebooks (EVS, English, Hindi, and Maths) need be

    Workbooks for Hindi and English are to be kept in the school. Also,
    book for art.  

    Textbook: EVS textbook has work items and should be brought to class
    (as per timetable).

    2. Secondary: It is not compulsory for students to bring
    textbooks of social studies and science. Principal clarified
    that these subjects will be taught with expertise by the teachers
    using appropriate teaching aids and charts and practical examples.
    Blindly asking the child to read the textbook after the teacher
    does not result in internalizing the material.  Textbooks are to
    be kept at home for reference and additional study material. This
    will reduce four textbooks.

    Textbooks of languages and math must be brought (as per
    timetable).  Computer text and note books are optional; unless
    specifically asked for it is not compulsory to bring the book.
    Notebooks may be 100 pages for classwork except for Maths.

    Homework notebook:  This will be collected on the day it has been
    asked for.  There is no need to take the homework notebook everyday. 

    3. Holiday homework: Do the work, if necessary, in 40 pages
    notebooks.  It will be collected on a designated day within the
    first week of classes. There is no need to carry it everyday.  The
    option of doing the holiday homework on loose sheets was discussed
    and found impracticable (for example, storage space, losing of sheets)

    4. Optional suggestions (to be worked at a local level).  

    + Children can share textbooks with their immediate partner.
    + A pool of books (from previous years) can be created and given
    to a child who has forgotten to bring it.   Or even for large
    portions of the class. 
.Issue: Monsoon gear.  

    Outcome: Monsoon period is formally declared to be from when the
    school opens after summer vacation till Sep 30 2006.  When the
    situation warrants, the school has the right to redefine this period.
    During this period, black water-proof shoes are the only shoes that
    should be used. For example, white canvas shoes are not required. The
    issue of sandals as alternate footwear was discussed extensively.
    However, current KVS norms preclude this. Therefore, children should
    not wear sandals since it is against KVS norms.  PTA Exec Comm. was
    authorized to take this up with the higher authorities.

    Related suggestions: If necessary, some children may take
    additional socks to school and wear them (discreetly).

    Principal: One related issue is that the socks etc should be
    washed regularly (some parents do not get the clothes and socks
    washed on a regular basis)

. Issue: Dirty and stinking toilets

    Principal: Water was not getting to the overhead tanks. Pumps have a
    problem. This will be followed up immediately with the estate office.
    (Earlier, she was on official duty for 2 months and hence could not
    follow up).  Toilets are cleaned thrice a day. Yet children dirty

    Parent : Cleaning 3 times a day far from enough.

    Principal: There is a budget ceiling on conservancy and security.
    This school is spending the maximum proportion on conservancy. But if
    the parents do not teach the children to use bathrooms and toilets
    responsibly and with civic sense, it is difficult.

    Resolution: Parents and teachers both will try and teach civic sense
    An orientation session at the beginning of the year when children join
    school would be useful.

    Related Suggestions: No restriction on donations to KVS. We should
    form an alumni or other solidarity group that will create a corpus.


. Issue: Tasks given to students.  Sometimes, students simply
  cut and paste from books, and websites.  

    Parent: Students should be encouraged to draw pictures instead of
    simply cutting and pasting. 

    Principal: Okay. Students should not cut and paste pictures. They should
    draw ... but the concern is for kids who cannot draw.

    Parent: with practice they will learn.

    Principal: Now that the matter has come up and the teachers in the
    audience are aware of the issue.  Also, please note that some of
    the project ideas are suggested by KV Sangathan.

Issue: Frequently the homework assignments are not clear. This results in
confusion and harassment.

    Principal: If the homework assignment seems outrageous or incongruous
    (from the way children explain the homework to the parent), please
    clarify as soon as possible.  Write a note to the teacher asking for

    Resolution:  More effective use of the school diary required. The homework
    may be written clearly on the blackboard, so that students can write them
    down in their diary. In particular, a web or email based solution does
    not seem likely at this point.  

    Related Suggestion: A ``class parent'' for every standard (especially
    in the primary) who can interact with the teacher is suggested to
    improve teacher-parent communication.


Issue : Teachers absent and classes not being held properly

    Principal: We do not have a PE teacher, neither do we have (at
    present) a music teacher. Teachers also take leave of absence (which
    cannot be denied).  Replacements (temporary) are made. There has been
    some confusion in the recent past which has been rectified.

    Related point: Music teacher is transfered so any one can
    volunteer till new Teacher comes.

Issue: These days, the students are not allowed to go outside during
PE class (apparently because someone somewhere had an accident)

    Principal: The playground is uneven. In the monsoon it gets all muddy
    and the grass is tall. Also there is the fear of snakes. So children
    are not allowed to play there during monsoon. Instead, indoor games
    will be organized. (e.g. Ludo, Carrom, Chess)

Issue: Library

    Upto standard V, classes have been issued books from the library. Since
    there are only limited number of periods in the week, general browsing in
    the library is a difficult proposition. Students from VI onwards can go to
    the library in the library period and take books. In the first couple of
    weeks the books are assigned due to logistic reasons, later however, the
    students will be able to select books they want to read.

Issue: Computer (or rather the lack of them)

    The ratio has to be 20:1. The school has only 33 machines out of which
    quite a few are broken. Donations of computers welcome. But previous
    donations have fetched lots of junk machines. Future donations
    required of working machines.  We now have good Computer teachers.

Issue: Teacher appreciation

. PTA should give rewards to efficient teachers on Teachers day.
Parents should give their names for helping out in organizing these


Issue: . Encourage all round development, and not just in academics
Transparent criteria, to be declared ahead of schedule for selection in
various extra-curricular activities in or out of school.

Principal: Mrs. Shobhna responsible for all extra-school activities
competitions etc. Students should meet her if required.

For sports activities students should meet the coaches. The door of the
principal is always open for suggestions and requests. The suggestion box
also may be used to request to initiate new activities.

Parent: We should restart NCC 

Principal: Col Paul has assured the soon he will arrange a NCC wing for

Next Meeting: Mid January


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