Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 11:50:25 +0530
Subject: [kvpta] Re: February 1 Meeting with Teachers 

Summary of meeting with Teachers.  Points are related to children in
classes 9-12 (so it may not be relevant to many of us).  About 30
teachers were present, including the Principal and the Vice
Principal. The meeting lasted an hour and 20 minutes (after school

Points on the agenda (pre-circulated to principal)

    1. Are practicals done with due diligence.  Would any teacher like
       to comment?
    2. Are teachers following syllabus as prescribed, systematically, or are
       they rushing through some sections?  Are there frequent absenteeism?
       Are Q&A at the back of the lessons covered in the class? If so, can
       the student copies be marked?
    3. We recognize that discipline is important.  Is there a message that
       we should carry to our parent friends  to ensure this?  Are
       outside food (such as Pizza Hut  deliveries) happening?

(Since this is, after all, a parent TEACHERS association, I did want to
include points related to both sides.  Also please keep in mind that
our children/teachers/ourselves cannot become role models overnight).

Summary of meeting points:

- Practicals for Xth is limited to only demonstrations. There is some
  difficulty in Information Processing (IP aka computers).
  Teachers maintained that practicals ARE being done. However practicals
  can be done only in groups.

- Teacher absenteeism is restricted to the casual leave and earned leave
  permitted by authorities.  Principal will set up a more elaborate
  system of "when items in the syllabus is covered at what points in
  time". In physics, questions at the back of lessons are tough and will
  covered in a better way. Sometimes, variations of
  questions are covered because students who go to tuition memorize the
  answers to the questions at the back of the lessons.

- Discipline was a sore point for some of the teachers.  For instance,
  today 24 + 21 students are absent in classes XI A and B.  Children
  from within IIT Campus are often late.  In many cases, students resort
  to uphaar fast food for satisfying their hunger.  A message from the
  principal was that parents may please address some of these concerns
  so that the school can concentrate on teaching rather than food

Other points (PTA board members, please add)

- To improve quality of teaching, a pool of interested
  professors/research scholars/scientists/staff could be formed. Guest
  lectures that provoke the curiosity of the children are welcomed by
  the principal.

- IIT Lab visits can also be done if some one takes the initiative.  

- Generalizing from a few bad teachers (or a few bad students) can be a
  source of demoralization for all.  It is best to ascertain whether the
  malady is rampant, or restricted to a union of individual bad points.