Email has been acknowledged to be the "killer" Internet application. It is very common for people to send email to people they do not know very well. Very often the email is sent using HTML tags, and worse, as an attachment.
People often prefer to send mail in HTML because they think they can express their thoughts better using the highlight features of HTML. To some, this can, at best, be irritating for the recipient, and at worst, rude (would you, in person speak to another person in a language she does not understand?)
There are a few problems recipients have with HTML email.
Consider using Plain ASCII text for email. (HTML is fine for web servers). Good old plain ASCII text is your best friend if you write in English. It can't carry viruses, is space efficient, and everybody can read it. Plain ASCII is not only good for text, any decent spreadsheet can read and write tables in tab-delimited ASCII format.
Virtually all email programs out there give you an option to send your email as ASCII (with an option to use HTML in addition). Please take a moment to change your preferences. It is an easy courtesy to follow!
Consider pointing to an online resource . There are several, free online sites that enable people to edit marked up format in a collaborative manner. Point a link to that site! One may argue that the use of such online resources requires power-guzzling data centers. True, no doubt. But are you sure that your servers are not being backed up and guzzling energy locally? How about pooling all the energy and relying on a data center?
Thank you for listening.